Apollonian and Dionysian

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    Benedict was able to group the whole personalities of a culture into two; Apollonian and Dionysian. Apollonian maintain stability in behavior and have control which usually is consider as normal. Apollo refers to God of sun, light which represent maturity, power and control. Unlike, Dionysus is God of wine, agriculture and nature. So personality that falls under Dionysian is ruminate loss control and engaging in unexpected activities and more (lecture, 02/16/16). It is the normal vs abnormal. Normality is having behavior that is to be expected within culture. On the other hand, she explained that the people that act different from their society is represented are engaged in abnormal behavior. Being abnormal comes with guilt and feeling uncomfortable because not many people can live contently knowing that they not living up to societies’ standard. For example, Benedict talks about the Zuni and there’re understand of homosexuals (book2, p 139). They have men –women that were men at puberty but were taking women occupation as a leader. They were known as the berdache which know today as two spirit in some cultures are thought of very highly. Unlike many western societies sees homosexual as an abnormal thing (book2, p.138). Benedict who constantly…

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    Nietzsche's Apollonian

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    Apollonian: The word Apollonian is an adjective that refers to the God Apollo of the Greek or Roman mythology. Apollo is the messenger Gods; the God of light, spring or youth, medicine and the art of music and also sometimes identified with the sun. He is a son of Zeus and one of the twelve main Gods. The adjective Apollonian was first used by the German philosopher F. W. J. Schelling and later by another German philosopher, F. Nietzsche, who explains it further in combination with the adjective…

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    basic idea that he propagates in Birth of Tragedy includes the reality with the forms and the same without the forms, and the comparison therein. Known as the Apollonian and the Dionysian,…

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    existence. Nikos Kazantzakis’ Zorba the Greek dramatizes the significance of balance between the Apollonian and Dionysian dichotomy, through the characterization of the contrasting protagonists, Boss and Zorba. Kazantzakis typifies the differences amid the philosophical ideologies through the comparison Boss and Zorba’s beliefs. Moreover, he represents Boss by his willingness to try to improve oneself and live more like Zorba. Through the progression of their journey, Zorba’s Dionysian…

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    What role do the Apollonian and Dionysian drives play in tragedy? The Apollonian and Dionysian is a philosophical and artistic idea, or polarity, in light of specific elements of old Greek mythology. Numerous Western philosophical and scholarly figures have conjured this division in basic and innovative works. In Greek mythology, Apollo and Dionysus are both children of Zeus. Apollo is the lord of reason and the discerning, while Dionysus is the divine force of the nonsensical and mayhem. The…

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  • Decent Essays

    Apollonian and Dionysian are mentioned as opposites in the novel, The Birth of Tragedy/ The Case of Wagner by Friedrich Nietzsche. Such that a Dionysian artist is best defined as one in primal unity with pain and contradiction, and an Apollonian one is reflected as a symbolic dream image. In addition, to be more specific on the topic, Apollonian is based on reason and logic and Dionysian is based on chaos. However, according to Nietzsche Dionysian is important because it emphasizes the harmony…

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  • Decent Essays

    The Dionysian and the Apollonian are two impulses that Nietzsche identifies as ways of thinking that is expressed through art. The Apollonian being that which relates to logic, reason, and order, whereas the Dionysian relates to irrationality, intoxication, losing oneself, and emotions. When these two impulses come together and are balanced art is created. One genre of television series is drama. In dramas there is usually a protagonist which would represent the Apollonian aspect by bringing…

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    The main reason why he writes this book is to examine Greek tragedy. He creates two concepts in this work: Apollonian and Dionysian principles. Apollonian principle is created by influencing from Apollo who is son of Zeus and Leto. He is god of order, harmony and rationalism. Dionysian principle stands for Dionysus’ qualities. Being son of Zeus and Semele, he is known as the god of disorder, irrationalism and passion. Nietzsche glorifies tragedy and claimes that it should be the unity of these…

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    known as Apollonian, the side dominated to by reason, and Dionysian which focuses more on emotion; either emotion to music or the rage of tragedy. Critical thinking is a major part of the humanities, the distinction of the two sides will come in handy while analyzing literature, music, and theater. In literature, the use of word choice to convey a special message is crucial. Emily Dickinson shows us an example of apollonian by her use of words in her poem. She is often thought of as a…

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    (Wallace 124). Further influenced by the works of German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer, Nietzsche speculated that there existed two worlds that coexist – one ruled by Apollo and one ruled by Dionysius. The Apollonian world translated into the world of representation, which was revealed through “order, individuality, reason, art, creativity, and the beautiful illusion of the inner fantasy world” (Wallace 127). On the other hand,…

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