Chronic psychological stress and animal models of IBD Like human, when Some animals are exposed to chronic stress, they may grow intestinal inflammation. Cotton top tamarins have high chance to develop a colitis similar to UC when exposed to prolonged stress of imprisonment, though remission occurs after returning to the natural living atmosphere [53]. Similarly, fatal colitis may also be seen in Siamese gibbons when kept in captivity [54]. As in humans, experimental models of psychological stress have been established in order to explain the fuction of psychological stress in animal models of IBD. A duration restraint stress, where movement of animals is limited by binding gently, is the commonest method used to produce acute stress in the…
experimentation, animal models are used in order to predict what would happen in human.Animal models have helped us our understanding of mechanisms of disease ( Worp, Howells, Sena, Porritt, Rewell,O’collins & Macleod 2010). In certain area, animal models’ use is controversial for example, when it come to predicting the effectiveness of treatment strategies in clinical trials; while the animal models are often promising, it failed to translate that promising result when it comes to trials (…
Animal researches have been conducted in complementary therapies and laboratory experiments to improve and protect human health and physiology. In spite of our increasing knowledge about the animal models of anxiety and the mechanisms of anti- anxiety treatments, there are some unmet clinical needs like the high rate of lack of response to anxiety. Thus, preclinical studies still have primary importance in this area of research. Animal models are widely used in medical studies which are…
“It is the weight, not numbers of experiments that is to be regarded”1. As Sir Isaac Newton, one of the most influential scientists in history, states – the design of an experiment is very important. Therefore, aspiring scientists must learn about many different types of techniques and its applications. Over the past six weeks, students were exposed to six experts discussing different fields of research but their studies contained many overlapping qualities. Some common topics discussed were…
Leeona Pierce “Effects of sepsis on behavioral changes on the ketamine-induced animal model of schizophrenia” This article focuses on the question of if there is a potential association between sepsis and schizophrenia, and how sepsis may influence behavior on the ketamine-induced animal model of schizophrenia. Sepsis is a systematic inflammatory response that occurs by the failure to limit the spread of infection leading to organ failure and inflammation. The paper mentions that inflammation…
Following an injury, an athletic trainer, rehabilitation specialist or physical therapist who specializes in orthopedics can evaluate a person’s The article talks about how scientists found a protein named cardiotrophin (CT-1) that can trick the heart into growing in a healthy way, pump more blood, repair heart damage, and improve blood flow in animal models of heart failure. Heart failure is one of the leading cause of death and disability in high-income countries and around the world. When a…
Extra Credit Article Assignment The research paper “Inflammation Animal Models for Schizophrenia” conducted by the department of Psychiatry at Ruhr University summarized research on the neurodevelopmental hypothesis for the origins of schizophrenia. The neurodevelopmental hypothesis states that the neurotransmitter imbalances seen in schizophrenia could be caused by a residual effect of maternal immune responses. The researchers would explain that the immune response of the mother would affect…
CHAPTER 2 – ANIMAL MODELS 5. Animal models: 5.a. Neurotoxic Models: 5.a.1. 6- Hydroxydopamine model: One of the most frequently used toxin-based animal model is 6-OHDA. It was first isolated in 1950. It is frequently used in rats. It shows affinity for catecholaminergic transporter. For example, norepinephrine transporter and dopamine transporter. Though the structure of 6-OHDA is similar to dopamine but the existence of excess amount of hydroxyl group makes it toxic to dopaminergic neurons.…
Application of Two Futuring Techniques to SWOT Analysis Opportunity In the SWOT analysis, the opportunity concerned using the Mouse Model to develop effective interventions in managing the Zika Virus. The model presented an opportunity for researchers to analyze the disease comprehensively and plan for future activities to manage the problem (Morel, 2004). The analysis has a particular focus on the anatomy and the development cycle of the disease. The use of animal models has proven insightful…
I. Introduction a. There is an estimated 115 million animals used for research in laboratories every year. The precise number is unknown because so few countries actually collect data about every animal they use for testing and research. II. Narration a. Animal testing is the use of any non-human animal in an experiment. It has become more prevalent in the past few decades due to advancements in the medical and scientific fields. Without these experiments, we would not have many of the…