When you injured your ankle you damaged ligaments, tendons, strained supporting muscles, position sensors in your foot called proprioceptors and you may have fractured one of the 7 bones in the ankle joint. As soon as you injured your ankle, your body's response was to restrict movement of the injured area to prevent additional damage. It does this by releasing lymph into the area which causes swelling. The swelling restricts movement of your foot and ankle. So your body is doing exactly what its supposed to. The problem is that in order to accelerate the healing process you have to get rid of the swelling. If you follow what 99% of all Emergency Rooms tell you, you'll be using the R.I.C.E. protocol. R.I.C.E. Stands for Rest, Ice, Compression…
Essonia Bolden Mrs. Berch Health Science IV Decemeber 8, 2014 Ankle Sprains Ankle sprains are the most common injuries in the United States. Approximately 1 million ankle injuries occur each year, 85 percent of those injuries are ankle sprains. Ankle sprains occur when the foot twist in a way that causes the body weight to pressured down onto the ankle ligaments. Most victims have reported that they heard a pop or snap at the time of the incident and thought the ankle had broken.…
CHIEF COMPLAINT: Right ankle pain. HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: John Walters is a 59-year-old male who injured his right lower extremity in a fall on October 8, 2015. He was seen in the emergency department where he was clinical and radiographic evaluated. There was felt to be a small avulsion fracture of the talus. He was placed into a splint and asked to be nonweightbearing and referred to this office for definitive evaluation and treatment. He currently states that he has pain in and…
but she adds that people can understand her if they pay close attention. PC was also diagnosed of Type 2 Diabetes. Before her stroke, PC liked to go to the Mosque, teach Quranic lessons to the young girl, and attend religious conferences. However, after her stroke, she said she only wanted to stay home. She found herself afraid of falling because of her unsteady gait. She also did not like the way people were looking at her with pity. PC was not involved in any community activities. PC is…
Objective: The purpose of this case study is to shed light on a deltoid sprain and a syndesmosis joint sprain in a Division III college level football player. It will include the mechanism of the injury, how the Athletic Trainers diagnosed the injury, and how the Athletic Trainers treated this injury. Background: The injury occurred during the third game of the season. The athlete was on the ground during a play and another player had stepped on his foot while it was planted in the turf. The…
advanced care, like receiving an X-ray. During the time I spent observing rowing and tennis, I watched treatment and rehabilitation plans for a variety of injuries. Due to the nature of different sports, there are some common injuries that are more common than others. For example, ankles sprains would be common for basketball because they tend to change directions abruptly and are often jumping. The common injuries I witnessed for rowing were lower back and shoulder overuse injuries. Rowing…
to sex. Expect it to be physical and rough, they like to dominate and have the upper position. I often reference myself as an "old soul" which is defined as a spiritual person whom is wise beyond their years. Basically, someone whom has more understanding of the world around them. Some people even believe an old soul is a person whom has learned from past incarnations, or lives. Believing love will make the world go around. My first novel was a growing and learning experience. Since placed…
Athletes are more prone to injuries simply because they are more active and more in different directions than most people do. With that being said, an Achilles tendon rupture is an injury that you would see more commonly in an athlete because it comes from a force on the foot or the ankle. An Achilles tendon rupture can result in having surgery but also not having surgery depending on how bad the patient hurt it. Think of all the movements that your Achilles tendon helps you do, flexes your…
Right after she picked me up from the airport she took me to a Hamilton Beach and I got to be in the ocean for the first time. We spent time seeing her favorite places and I got to meet her friends there. She took me to visit her parents, who are like family to me, and I got to spend time with them. We spent time talking and it seemed as if time and distance had not touched our friendship. The trip unfortunately ended on the note that I fell down the side of a mountain, Mount Manadnock, we were…
What is the Physical Price for Athletics? What all does it take to become a gold medal Olympic champion? In the summer Olympics of 1996, gymnast Kerri Strug learned the hard way. As Kerri landed from a vault she snapped her ankle, but did her coach Bela Karolyi have her seek medical attention then? As I searched for my article, five articles titled similar to “20 Badass Athletes Who Played Through Serious Injuries” appeared in just the first two search pages. These webpages set the example for…