Anime started in the small island nation of Japan and is now widely distributed across the globe, influencing large animation companies across many different countries. A large amount of movies, T.V. shows, and comic books Americans read are heavily influenced by Japanese animation. Despite starting out as a propaganda film, many people would find it surprising how popular anime is today. Anime started as black and white propaganda films for WWII. Today anime is in color, often using CGI animation. New technology, better understanding of animation, and more globalization has made this evolution possible. The first feature length anime was made in 1943 as a propaganda film. This film was called Momotarou and The Sea Eagle, and was directed by…
Now i thinks it's time for the world to acknowledge something that makes the world better. Something that has prevented suicide, changed people's lives for the better, and may have turned them into what people they are today. Ladies and gentleman! I'm talking about ANIME! Anime is able to help people with depression, anxiety, or other “Mental issues” as people would call it. I , being one of these victims back in my kiddy years went through a lot of depression until i found anime, because of how…
Throughout the recent years, Japanese animation, specifically within the genre of anime and anime films, has been a steadily growing and dedicated following within American subculture. With the more popular anime being systematically introduced to the American public, creating “a massive expansion and organization of American fans of Japanese animation; clubs, conventions, and fanzines dedicated to anime and its fandom culture have sprung up on college campuses and in large cities all over the…
Best-Unexpected Anime Merchandise Retailers Anime is everywhere. Whether you are a weeaboo, with a modern taste for anime shows like Knights of Sidonia, or more of an otaku, with your love of shows like Fist of the North Star, you are sure to want to fill your life with cool anime merchandise. The great thing for anime and manga lovers is how there’s now abundance of shops that sell little treats. We listed a few of the best shops for anime merchandise. Our selection includes many so-called…
I remember the first time I watched anime. It was back in 2008 when I was a second grader. I had gotten my first laptop, and I decided to surf YouTube to watch my favorite cartoon at the time. A few episodes in, I stumbled upon an anime called Shugo Chara on the recommendation column and clicked on it. It immediately drew me in because of the animation and over time, the plot and the morals in the anime made me an official anime fan. After I discovered anime my perspective on life and ideals…
In the world of animation there are multiple different forms it takes place as in Japan it is most commonly known as anime and in America it is known as cartoons. Anime and cartoons have many different aspects including their character design, themes, audiences and forms of development. The targeting audiences between anime and cartoons varies greatly from which gender and age groups it is meant to appeal to. American animation is mainly directed towards children who grow up watching Disney…
Over 20 million Americans watch anime, which raises the question of why Japanese animation has become so popular. To understand this, Americans must consider what makes anime different from their own animation, cartoons. It’s important to know the differences between anime and cartoons because animation serves as a major cultural representation for both countries. Anime differs from cartoons simply because both have their own unique style. I have read several blogs of people who express their…
The Anime discourse community is made up of people who are fans of Japanese animated productions and Manga who are sometimes referred to as “otaku”. Not all members would identify with that term because of its derogatory connotations in Japan. People involved in the community come from a wide demographic, from many walks of life, and a wide range of ages. The discourse community allows them to come together to share their love of Japanese animation and Manga. A love and enthusiasm that some…
The Weeaboo’s Prologue I’m not a weeaboo! I’m j-just an anime enthusiast. I know about Japan because I study it! I’m praaactically fluent in Japanese! Reading manga doesn’t define me as a person, you know. I’ve been super into Japan for, like, ever. I’ve been drawing anime for who knows how long. I swear, my funeral certificate is gonna list my cause of death as Japanese snacks! I wonder if they’ll save my art. The doujinshi I draw is too good to be forgotten! Y’know, with handsome guys in…
Shaoran) is a fictional character from CLAMP's anime and manga series Cardcaptor Sakura. At the start of the series, Syaoran appears as an antagonist. Being a descendant of Clow Reed, he believes that he should be the one to inherit the magical Clow cards than Sakura. He often criticizes her for her flaws but as the story progresses, he becomes Sakura's reliable ally and friend despite their differences. Sakura Kinomoto Sakura Kinomoto (木之本 さくら, Kinomoto Sakura) is a fictional character, the…