The first time I ever watched anime was when I accidentally rented a wrong DVD from a rental store. When I realized my mistake rather than returning the CD, I decided to keep it. The show was called Naruto when I first watched Naruto it was dubbed in English. So it was a big surprise finding out when I went to watch the rest of the episodes online they were in Japanese. Since I had never heard or spoke Japanese the first few video I saw I had to guess what was going on plot wise and what the characters were saying through expression and their gaze. After, spending considerable time online watching Naruto I found some sites that had subtitle in the episode, fan-subs. Fan-subs have allowed me to understand and enjoy the new art form I was introduced to. By having easy access to thousands of online fan-subbed anime I have never needed to…
The Anime discourse community is made up of people who are fans of Japanese animated productions and Manga who are sometimes referred to as “otaku”. Not all members would identify with that term because of its derogatory connotations in Japan. People involved in the community come from a wide demographic, from many walks of life, and a wide range of ages. The discourse community allows them to come together to share their love of Japanese animation and Manga. A love and enthusiasm that some…
three sources of soft power. Firstly, in terms of culture, culture is a piece of art and any other forms of that people can share their values, behavior, norms, language, and even the way people’s live (Defense Language and National Security Education Office, 2016). For a country that has been successfully established soft power diplomacy for long time, Japanese is often identic with manga and anime which became part of Japanese pop culture (Kelsky, 2001, p. 548). Historically, before the term…
film festival where they played the popular anime movie, “Howl’s Moving Castle.” Once everyone was seated and the art department people fixed some bugs in their system, they began with a brief, yet descriptive power point show on the history of anime’s progression and its impact on Japanese culture. The representatives said that anime grew into almost a lifestyle in the 20th century in Asia, Europe, and America. After answering a few questions from the audience and dealing with even more…
for streaming anime. It is “the leading global video service for Japanese anime and Asian media” (Crunchyroll). The company was founded by 3 UC Berkley graduates in 2008: Kun Gao, James Lin, and Brandon Ooi. Originally, CR was intended to be a “YouTube for Asian TV” (Orsni) where viewers would upload shows, without a license for others to watch, but Gao and his partners ended up going to Japan to try and get things done legally. TV Tokyo, the largest anime publisher in the world, accepted an…
Popular culture and worldwide interest in Japanese productions often stems from Japanese television. For instance, the privately owned television network NTV is the highest rated network in Japan and since 2002 has regularly acquired top ratings for the all day, primetime, and golden time. Programming on NTV includes popular anime, dramas, news and games for audiences who are from all the around the world. In addition, in the anime industry, starting in 1989 with the release of Akira, anime has…
effort put forth by each cosplayer is shown in the extravagant costumes and performances brought to every convention. The history of cosplay subculture is fairly recent and has a surprising origin as most of the population connects cosplay with Japanese animation, or anime. Cosplay originated in the United State at World Con in 1939 with a man named Forrest J. Ackerman. This is the first recorded instance of cosplay though the term cosplay would not be used for many years (Mikolaski). Forrest’s…
10. Paranoia Agent (2004) Satoshi Kon was so content with his cooperation with Madhouse that immediately after the end of producing Tokyo Godfathers, he proposed to shoot a TV anime series. The script would be based upon a few of his concepts, which he had not used before, as much as upon newspapers' headlines, particularly their crime and social ones. The leadership of the company accepted, thus initiating the creation of the 13 episodes of Paranoia Agent. A series of attacks occur in Tokyo,…
Spirited Away, the anime film directed by Hayao Miyazaki, depicts a fantasy story of a young girl Chihiro accidentally enters a town ruled by witches and gods. Chihiro need to find a job in order to survive and save her parents who are turned into pigs. During her stay, Chihiro works hard and finally finds a way to save her parents and go back to the real world. In this essay, I want to discuss how does Spirited Away reflected issues of Japanese society in 1990s. Japan experienced strong…
Japan. (Loo) At age five, Hisaishi attended violin lessons and began developing a passion for music. He then enrolled into the Kunitachi College of Music in 1969 at the age of nineteen and continued to pursue music where he majored in music composition. While in college, he developed an interest in Minimal music and so worked as a typesetter to collaborate with several minimal composers. He learned and gained experience of the works of the ''New York Hypnotic School'' style. (Siegel) He made…