when Cassie decides to help T.J. after all he had done; I believe that she was admirable for everything that she did but this was about friendship and kindness and those are really admirable things. Cassie had trouble in her life, being black, but she stayed strong and held on to what meant most, her feelings. She wasn’t afraid to express herself or her opinion. I learn this from the Strawberry incident when she yelled at Mr. Barnett and got shoved on the sidewalk by Mr. Simms. (Add a few words here to let the reader know what happened.)It got her in trouble, it got her revenge, but most of all, it got her love and warmth. She became a better person by expressing these feelings and emotions. It helped her to let off some steam and see the world differently, almost like a MLK jr.jr. She had some ups like the time she beat up Lillian Jean, but then there were downs like the time she stood up for little man and got a “whippin’.” She saw some horrible things that no kid her age should see, like the Berry’s and their burnt bodies or the time she saw the night men stop at the house with guns and ropes. Cassie…
“Excellence is the unlimited ability to improve the quality of what you have to offer”, a quote once said by Rich Pitino. This quote is completely true, after reviewing my overall performance I spotted that I do have some improving to do. However, I also have some things that I feel that I did pretty well on. In this self-evaluation, I will be thoroughly discussing and elaborating my performance. As I overlooked the midterm video, I felt like I did well throughout the entire performance. In…
from our English class because we both knew her and we all got along so the next day we were our English class and we sat down in Amanda’s group and talked to Amanda about becoming our third friend she seemed happy about it because she really didn’t know or want to know anyone else in the class so she became our third friend and our friendship had its new spark of liveliness… but it didn’t last too long about five or six months down the road things got stale again so I told Emily I really…
This left hundreds of workers unemployed. The workers felt defeated. Sonny parker said, “We did everything they asked us to do” (p. 148). In the end they knew there was no fight to fight. There were people in other countries that did not have the regulations that the United States mills had. People in other countries would work for pocket change. Some cried silently, stared at the floor in disbelief, but in the end, they left and found other things to do. Some retired and others like Sonny…
Mark Twain’s life is full of quotes and passages we can all relate to. But there was one that stood out to me when I did my research reading “Plan for the future because that 's where you are going to spend the rest of your life”. (On planning for the future by Mark Twain. (n.d.)) This simple idea from Twain made perfect sense after I really read into Letters from The Earth from our text book. (Twain, M., & Doyno, V. (1995)) Twain in Letter II writes about Heaven with “His heaven is like…
Jennet Wall’s was abused by people around her and her own family, she had many negative experiences and they were most affected by the places she lived in. Throughout her life there has been events that normal people can’t comprehend to be true, yet it started off when she was only three. Where she lived first and the first memory she could remember was in Arizona in an old trailer park. “I was on fire. It’s my earliest memory. I was three years old and we were living in a trailer park in a…
originated as just a normal October Wednesday in Pillager, MN. Eli was awoken from his deep slumber by his Dad at 9:00 am, just like every other day of the week. Once he finishes climbing out of his deep slumber, Eli grabs some clothes and gingerly heads up the stairs. Now Eli isn’t like most kids his age, which at this time he is 15 and in 10th grade, he has chronic hip pain and sleeps close to 18 hours a day. He has visited many doctors, been diagnosed with Lyme disease and many other things.…
sit there keeping that goal in my mind and then on the morning of the test, cram everything in my head. I have done that in the past and merely achieved 91%-93%, which was close enough, but placed me in a more stressful, exhausted, and sleep deprived situation. Instead, I learnt to take things step-by-step. I started studying a day before the test, then two days before and now currently a week prior to the test. I break that further down and set 'mini-goals '. I generally study a page in an…
Many good authors use foreshadowing as a way to give hints on what will happen later in a book. Christiana Baker Kline uses words, these words were chosen because she likes the way that they sound. These words all have an impact on the characters in the book. These words foreshadow certain important moments in these characters lives. To foreshadow a strict woman Christiana Baker Kline uses the word harridan. This woman is Mrs. Byrne, her and her husband are the first people to take Niamh in.…
knowing that they were going to tell me they were going to get a divorce. How did i know that? I have no idea, except the fact that my parents have been fighting about little things for a long time, and i just did not know how they could live like that for much longer. That night, my mom slept in my bed with me, we did not sleep much because I had so many questions. The next morning I woke up to find that my dad was gone. He had taken all of his stuff and walked out the door and went to go live…