One day Emily and I was sitting on the baseball field at school during our break in between classes, talking to each other about how we feel about our friendship and what could do to make it better. We decided that we needed a third friend because we could never find anything to talk about anymore because we felt like we talked about everything we possibly could and that we knew everything about each other, so we started think about potential friends we wouldn’t mind having as third friend and as the day went on and we went to our classes and left school for the day we agreed to meet up at her house one day. So the day we agreed to meet up at her house finally came about and I drove to her house which was down the …show more content…
Unfortunately we couldn’t come to an agreement on anyone because we didn’t feel like anyone else could connect with our dynamic but we finally agreed on Amanda from our English class because we both knew her and we all got along so the next day we were our English class and we sat down in Amanda’s group and talked to Amanda about becoming our third friend she seemed happy about it because she really didn’t know or want to know anyone else in the class so she became our third friend and our friendship had its new spark of liveliness… but it didn’t last too long about five or six months down the road things got stale again so I told Emily I really thought having a third person in our group would make things better and it would be different and exciting she said “ it was for a little while but all good things come to an end” I told her I know they do wish …show more content…
Elizabeth freaked out and started to throw and fling things across the lunch room in a fit of rage we had to calm her down or people would get hurt and then we would lose our best friend while we tried to no avail she continued to be mad. Finally we got her to calm down after assuring her Emily was fine. After lunch we confronted her and asked what happened in there, why did you get mad she said I saw one of my friends get hurt and I couldn’t stand it, I got this weird feeling in my chest like a burning sensation and I just acted on it. We understood how she felt and we explained the feeling to her and that the feeling she felt was anger and she felt like she needed to protect us. We were thankful for that, but we informed her that she needed to be careful because we didn’t want her to get taken away from us. So as the days passed Elizabeth started to learn and understand humans and became with people quickly. Then one day Elizabeth told us that she felt lonely being the only android around and said that she would like to have a friend she can relate to on a personal level. We told her that seems like a lot of work, are you sure that you want another android wandering around. Her mind was certain that she wanted to. So we made her a friend, he was perfect for her so she claimed they started to