the race relations in the United States, it used to be extremely bad how any race other than white was treated. Slowly over time, we have come to get over the fact that not everyone has the same skin color, but it is still far from perfect. Every day, for years now, there are mistreatments, false accusations, biased trials, and God awful behavior,…
happy to hear that I’ve finally left behind that little farm. I must be honest when I say that i’m a little less than merry about having to go. The farm just isn’t what it used to be, however, Mother and Father aren’t making the money they used to. So it’s my turn to make my way in the world. I plan to get a job in the city and send what I can back to the farm. It’s my first time on a train and I must admit how terribly nervous I am. Living in the countryside my whole life I’ve never seen such a…
1. Nick Cannon and Nickelodeon Unless you were an avid Nickelodeon viewer in the '90s, you probably aren't truely familiar with Nick Cannon's contribution one of the most vital children's entertainment networks of all time. Nick Cannon made his debut to TV entertainment in the late '90s by appearing on Nickelodeon's classic time time block SNICK, starring in the famous improvisation series, All That. Cannon's appearance on All That eventually lead to him being featured on the hit sitcom Taina…
“You haven’t changed. Even after all these years, I’d expected you to have matured slightly.” Raja’s mouth fell open. “I’m older than you.” “Not in Helix years,” Charlie replied, “and that’s all that matters in this empire.” The boy narrowed his eyes. “I’ve been alive for like a hundred years. That counts for something.” “Raja,” I reached beneath the seat and took out a tablet. “Stop proving Charlie right.” I handed it to the boy and opened it up to a game. It took him a few second to figure it…
then. Now today we honor those people in our world because, now we have peace and all people have equal rights. In this story it tells us about how life was like in the view of an African American family. On a breezy summer day down in Memphis,Tennessee Katherine, Danny, her father, and Amelia, her mother were taking a walk. Katherine saw her best friend Amanda. Amanda was with her parents too, just like Katherine.They wanted to play but there parents said “No!” This confused…
{indent}Four years ago, Jenna had left Shelter Point, with two her kids. A small island in West Hampton, New York, estimated 2,500 residents. She had divorced a month, wondered what next step was for them. Prays to God, to show her what journey to follow, one thing is sure her kids' happiness, and safety comes first. {indent}She did not plan to converge, until Amy, her four-year-old exhibited ornery behaviors. Not like her little girl; Gone was the happy girl, they all know and love. In…
Randy Furst’s article “Black defendants, white jurors: Does race make a difference in the court?” is about racism and reveals that an all white jury is more likely to demonstrate racial prejudices against a defendant of color as demonstrated by his use of evidence. Specifically, Furst’s use of evidence suggests that on a mixed jury, jurors will acquit a non-white defendant more times than an only white jury. The first insight into the racism that non-white defendants have to face occurs when…
Who will be discriminated next, what will their ethnicity be? Throughout history there have been many discriminations and unfair treatments. African americans were getting lynched, females aren’t getting equal rights. In the 1930’s nine scottsboro boys were accused of raping 2 white girls and were immediately sentenced death by an all white jury. During the 1930’s there was a lot of discrimination. The significance of the 1930’s is that many groups/ethnicities were discriminated. Although much…
Have you ever discriminated someone because they were unlike you? The article, “The Supreme Court Didn’t Fix Racist Jury Selection”, by Kami Chavis, shares a common theme with the book, “To Kill a Mockingbird”, by Harper Lee. One common theme between the two passages is, everyone deserves equal rights even if they seem different. One example of the theme shown in the book, “To Kill a Mockingbird”, is when Jem blames the jury for Tom’s conviction of being guilty, for Jem believes that Tom is…
Power of Jury Nullification Response In the Podcast “The Life of the Law, Episode 1, The Secret Power of Jury Nullification”, Shannon Heffernan explains the often overlook power of jury nullification in the U.S. court system. She defines nullification as, when a jury is convinced that a defendant is guilty but find the defendant innocent anyway. Heffernan provides examples of cases throughout history that aid the idea that nullification among juries can potentially benefit courtroom justice.…