(Famous Twain Quotes. (n.d.). When he was in his boyhood home in Life on the Mississippi he meet up with a man whom had moved there just a year after Twain left the town. He told Twain all about the various people in the town where they were how they were doing and the success or shortfalls they had. He was able to fill Twain in on all the happening of the city where old girlfriend were and how others had become successful. Effectively filling the belly of the starved mind in a different way. Twain once was quoted saying “If you hold a cat by the tail, you learn things that cannot be learned in any other way.” (On planning for the future by Mark Twain. (n.d.)) It seems that if you don’t learn about what happens when you do something for yourself then you miss out on what the truth is no matter how bad it might hurt to feel or hear. As a final act it is curious to why you would want know what a man you never met but know so much about your town knows about you. As a final question Twain asked about himself and the response seemed different than I think he expected. The man said “ 'Oh, he succeeded well enough—another case of damned fool. If they 'd sent him to St. Louis, he 'd have succeeded sooner.” (Twain, M., & Doyno, V. (1995) Twain remarks that he was glad he lied about his name because he got the candid answer of not only his …show more content…
(n.d.).That seems pretty successful a person to emulate. While living in Europe Twain held a note book and there is passage he wrote in there to himself as inspiration to be the most successful you can. He wrote in his notebook: "Are you an American? No, I am not an American. I am the American." (Mark Twain: Not an American but the American. (n.d.). Twain lived the life that American want and aspire to. He laid out the paths to follow and what you need to achieve. In his obituary his daughter wrote why he never wanted to go to Church. She said “"He couldn 't bear to hear any one talk but himself, but could listen to himself talk for hours without getting tired, of course he said this in joke, but I 've no dought it was founded on truth." Twain could be the father of America, he look the part and has most of the ups and downs we all have in life. But the lessons Twain teaches to America in his writings. They have stood the test of time and a final quote to tell us to keep moving Twain writes “Prosperity is the best protector of principle.” (Famous Twain Quotes. (n.d.)) If the knowledgeable American let the non-knowledgeable American learn from them our success in this country will be immeasurable. Seek out the ones with knowledge and learn from the