Shreveport, LA (Clinical, One Year Rotation) Bachelor OF GENERAL STUDIES: Business Administration | MAY 1985 | Louisiana Tech University, RESTON, LA | GPA 3.76 Associate OF ARTS, GenerAL STUDIES: BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION | MAY 1984 | Louisiana Tech University, RESTON, LA | GPA 3.76 Military Technical TRAINING Electronic Systems TECHNOLOGY | May 1987 | The Air UniverSity - Community COllege of the Air FORCE | Maxwell AFB, LA | GPA 4.00 L30ZR2825 24, TEMPEST NONSTOP and HIJACK Testing ? 60 HOURS | MAY 1986 | National Cryptologic Center - NSA | LaCkland AFB, TX L30ZR2825 23, Advanced TEMPEST Lab and Field Testing ? 60 Hours | MAR 1986 | National Cryptologic Center - NSA | LaCkland AFB, TX L30ZR2825 22 FunDAMENTALS of TEMPEST Testing and Analysis ? 120 Hours | FEB 1985 | National Cryptologic Center - NSA | LaCkland AFB, TX L50ZG3016, National Communications Security Course ? 240 HOURS | Jan 1985 | United States Army | Fort Devens, MA LABR30630 22, Electronic Cryptographic Communications Equipment ? 825 HOURS | DEC 1985 | National Cryptologic Center - NSA | LaCkland AFB, TX Major: Computer…
Hell, I would venture to bet that they were never even looked at. Maybe the Air Force would consider preferences; however, the overriding deciding factor was not what would make me happy; but where the Air Force needs people the most. For me, the Air Forces’ needs failed to coincide with my preferences. Both times I filled one out, I requested bases in the southeastern part of the United States. The first time they got the climate correct but the country wrong; the second time they got the…
The following is summary of my life after graduation. Right after graduating in 1963 John Callahan (Geibel High School class of 63) and I enlisted in the US Air Force. On the August 20th 1963 we left Connellsville for Lackland Airforce Base in Antonio TX for basic training. He and I ended up spending some of the hottest months of the year in Texas. I can still remember getting off the airplane in San Antonio at 3 AM and being shocked at the heat and humidity (~85 degrees). After our twelve weeks…
Born in Montreal and with French-speaking parents, Omer levesque was inspired to be in the Royal Canadian Air Force ever since he was a little boy. He did not know how to speak English very well so Omer joined the local militia unit and became the lieutenant there. Later joining the RCAF, and on March 31, 1951 he was the very first pilot to shoot down a Korean plane during the Korean war. Omer Levesque and other Canadian forces contribution to the war lead to Canada causing a significant impact.…
navies and air forces, but the great impact that Canadian soldiers had on the war should not be lost. Many people have dismissed Canada as a peaceful, non-militaristic country, but saying that Canada played an insignificant part in the Second World War is simply inaccurate: manpower does not equal effectiveness. The actions taken and victories gained by the Canadian Forces in the Second World War have had large and visible impacts on the final…
Introduction to Where I Work I am currently employed in The Canadian Armed Forces which is the unified armed force of Canada. This unified group consists of air, land and sea forces referred to as the Royal Canadian Navy (RCN), Canadian Army, and Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF), I am in the Canadian Army. Personnel may belong to either the Regular Force or the Reserve Force, I am a regular forces member, simply meaning I serve full time. Some reserve members may serve full time as well.…
I grew up in a small church, where my mom was a Sunday school teacher and my dad was the Assistant Pastor. They also were involved in the youth a lot. Growing up, I can remember driving down the road on our way to church and seeing kids that knew or my mom knew and we would ask them if they wanted to go to church with us. Next thing you knew, we have like 5-6 local kids going to church with us. I can remember when we use to ask them where they lived so we could make sure that it was alright with…
to do with the future of the two boys. The author’s mother, Joy, cared about Wes succeeding and, in the end, helped him to become a successful man. Joy never gave up on Wes and decided to move him to a private school, which Wes says “my mother saw Riverdale as a haven, a place where I could escape my neighborhood and open my horizons” (48). Joy’s goal was to put Wes in a school with a loving environment where he could succeed. Although Wes struggled at first, he finally made friends and his…
things do take place while at basic training, they are meant for a much greater purpose: to form strong individuals that excel in teamwork and are willing to push their personal limits as far as they can reach. Basic training is divided among three phases: red phase, white phase, and blue phase. During the red phase, when the recruits arrive they will go through general orientation, receive haircuts and be issued a military uniform. When that is done they will begin “Basic Tactical Training,…
Before you are shipped to basic military training, you have to process through the Military Entrance Processing Station (MEPS). This is where they examine you for any health defects or abnormalities that would disqualify you from service. While waiting in line to be checked by the doctor, a guy asked, “Hey man where you from?”. I answered, “East Atlanta.”. Then there was this loud bang that sounded like someone slamming an iron pot against a car door followed by a man yelling, “Who in the fuck…