Mary, Wes’s mother, did not keep up with his grades and did not push him when he needed it; therefore, “Wes failed the sixth grade at “Chicken Pen” and had to repeat it” (57). At a young age Wes was already learning how to slack off and had no one to get him on the right track. Although Mary was upset Wes failed, she never did anything to help him do better, she just hoped Wes did not turn out like her other son. Because of Wes’s mother not pushing him or supporting him, he had bad grades all his years of school and his mother never seemed to help him through it. Throughout Wes’s year in school he got in a lot of trouble and ended up getting a girl pregnant; however, Mary was not fazed by the surprise. Mary did not even care when her son got someone pregnant because she realized how much he had screwed his life up. Instead of Mary trying to help her son and fix him, she decides to resent him and stops caring about what he does. A good parent would still love their son, but try to get help; however, Mary does nothing to fix him. Without Mary supporting Wes and being a role model in his life, he was almost destined to go downhill and to end up a …show more content…
Growing up, Tony was never a good influence on Wes; according to Wes, Tony even “started dealing drugs in those shadowy hallways of Murphy Homes before he was ten” (27). Tony always hoped Wes did not turn out the way he did; however, Tony never set a good example for him. An older brother is someone who is looked up to and the little brother will often follow in their footsteps, sadly this is what happened to Tony and Wes. Tony could have taken Wes so far if he was a good role model, but instead Tony’s bad decisions turned into Wes’. One thing Tony did teach Wes was to never let someone get away when hurting them physically or mentally. Wes did not take this advice lightly; therefore, after a man named Ray punched Wes, “he and his friend pointed their weapons in Ray’s directions and began taking shots” (104). Because of Tony’s lesson about never letting anyone get away, Wes had found himself in a lot of trouble with the police. All though Tony may have thought he was helping, his words and decisions only made things worse for Wes. Wes may have made other decisions if he had a good example to look up to and if he would have learned at a young age that retaliating is never the answer. Tony certainly steered Wes’ life in the wrong direction and although he had high hopes for Wes, his bad influence and terrible choices made Wes turn out just like