President Ronald Reagan was leaving the hotel in Washington D.C. and John Hinckley was crouched in the bushes waiting for the perfect time for the president to come his way. From the bushes, Hinckley yelled ‘President Reagan, President Reagan’. The president turned in the general direction where the sound was coming from and suddenly six shots were fired. The first shot hit James Brady, the second bullet hit the policeman Thomas Delahanty, the third bullet missed the president and ricocheted off the building, the fourth bullet hit the secret service agent Timothy Mccarthy in his chest, the fifth bullet hit the bulletproof glass on the president’s limousine, the sixth and final bullet nearly killed the president. The bullet ricocheted off the car then hit the president in his chest inches away from his heart. (Professor Douglass O Linder). John W. Hinckley Jr. is guilty without unreasonable doubts. The youngest of three children born to a workaholic oil executive and a agoraphobic stay-at-home mother, John Hinckley from an early age was clingy and dependent on his mother. Soon after his father's business…
approximately 2:25 pm a mentally deranged man named John Hinckley Jr. attempted to assassinate President Ronald Reagan. John Hinckley Jr. was born May 29, 1955. He was 25 years old when he attempted the assassination of President Ronald Reagan. Hinckley had developed an obsession for an actress Jodie Foster. When he viewed the movie Taxi Driver a 1976 movie by Martin Scorsese’s, which was about a woman who tries to convince a taxi driver to assassinate the president in order to win her over.…
February 2nd, 2008 will always be an emotional, vivid memory to me. It was a Saturday, and it was lightly snowing outside. My Saturdays usually consisted of sleeping in, watching a couple of my favorite TV shows, annoying my parents, and the occasional hanging out with friends. This Saturday, however, didn’t include any of my usual weekend routines. Instead, I was watching the funeral procession of my beloved prophet, Gordon B. Hinckley. I was devastated that day. I had grown to love this man…
The book “The Day The President Was Shot The Secret Service, The FBI, A Would-Be Killer, And The Attempted Assassination Of Ronald Reagan” written by Bill O’Reilly was about the attempted assassination of the 40th president of the United States of America, Ronald Reagan. The author tells the reader through this book a lot about the struggles Ronald Reagan had encountered in order to become president. Then once he became president he was shot and had many struggles just to survive. This book…
the source of the river. Charley likely used the railroad, either as a passenger or as a physical guide to direct him to his destination. He conceivably paused in Duluth to earn his rail fare to Rush City, the logical point of departure to embark on the final leg of his journey. However, the nearly one hundred mile hike following the railroad tracks perhaps seemed like a mere stroll compared with the recently completed trek over the top of Lake Superior. The oral history’s emphasis on…
or large. At the Boys and Girls club I was thought varies ways to overcome my anxiety, things like: hosting events (MC) and even talking in front of small audience. As of right now I am very proud to say I no longer have stage fright. I am proud to say that I host (MC) all the events that is going on at the Florence Degeorge Boys and Girl Club. There was a boy name John, who was very timid to the point he was afraid of interacting with the other kids around him. I took the…
On March 30, 1981, John Hinckley Jr. attempted to assassinate U.S. president Ronald Reagan, with hopes of impressing Jodie Foster, an actress he had an obsession with. While Hinckley was charged multiple offences, however, he was found not guilty by reason of insanity. Nonetheless, he was forced to face the consequences of his actions in a mental hospital for more than 30 years. Similarly, people make choices everyday that can make them responsible and liable for the consequences that follow.…
universal themes worth investigating theatrically. Bibliography Ellis-Fermor, Una, trans. Ibsen: Hedda Gabler and Other Plays Penguin: London, 1983 Fjelde, Rolf, ed. Ibsen: A Collection of Critical Essays Prentice-Hall International Inc: New Jersey Mayerson, Caroline W. “Thematic Symbols in Hedda Gabler” 131-138 Lucas, F.L. The Drama Of Ibsen & Strindberg Cassell: London, 1962 McFarlane, James and Jens Arup trans. Henrik Ibsen: Four Major Plays Oxford University…
Of Mice and Men Essay - Fate or Choice? Choice is defined by the ‘Shorter Oxford Dictionary’ as; “The act of choosing; preferential determination between things proposed.” It also states the definition for fate; “The principle, power, or agency by which events are unalterably predetermined from eternity.” Is our life choice, can we determine our fate by choosing our path or is our destiny determined for us? John Steinbeck puts forward this question in his novella Of Mice and…
At first, he is bored and dull, no better than one of the "sheep" he makes fun of. Later, as he watches McMahon, the butcher, "Patting his mouth and looking after them, sizing up their joints,”Sammy begins to sympathize with the girls. Then when Lengel scolds the girls and falsely tells them that it's store policy that they have to have their shoulders covered, Sammy realizes, "That's policy for you. Policy is what the kingpins want. What the others want is juvenile…