Please note that, we only discuss couple of options for each command to get the familiarity, and get you going with your learning. At the end of each command, there is a link to the command reference, where we discuss the most relevant and practical usages of the commands. It not practical to discuss all the options available for each command we discuss. We recommend you to refer to the man page of the command on your Linux system. Listing Files When a user logs in to a UNIX system, he/she would probably want to see the contents of the home directory. How would you see them on console type environment? You don't have the luxury to click around like in windows. The "ls" command comes to rescue us. The "ls" command is used to list the contents of the current directory or any…
LS.1.1.1 Living things require energy, water and a particular range of temperature in their environments. List the long-term scoring guideline that will give evidence that your students have mastered the standard (s); The overall scoring guideline will include students understanding animals are living this that grow and change and can be classified as mammals, birds, fish, amphibians, reptiles, or insects by the end of the unit. More specifically, students will learn long-term objectives…
Status - uncontrolled Drug therapy problem - safety: dose too high - LS's pain medication dose is too high and at risk for opioid overdose. Drug therapy problem - indication: needs additional drug therapy - LS is at high risk for opioids overdose, a rescue medication for opioids overdose is recommended; LS needs optimal pain medications to control her symptom. Drug therapy problem - compliance: noncompliance - LS is not compliance with taking her MS Contin tablet and oxycodone IR tablet.…
We chew our food to break it into smaller pieces, so that it is simpler for the body to digest. During digestion, the esophageal lumen is occupied with the food and liquids we swallow. However, when we are not swallowing, the elongated folds of the mucosa and submucosa work to close the lumen. There are two sphincters located within the esophagus. The sphincters maintain a circular shape, and act as a door shutting channels when appropriate (Circus, 2015). I will be focusing on the lower…
I chose to examine the LNS Monograph Content Literacy. The monograph explains that content literacy is the, “ability to read, write, create, interpret and present a range of media, in subjects such as science, social studies and mathematics.” (Content Literacy p. 1) Through conversation with my board ESL colleagues, I have discovered that frequently ESL teachers collaborate with classroom teachers to plan, teach and assess ELLs in the content area, therefore, reviewing this monograph was a…
MS-LS-4-2 Summative Assessment: Anatomical Name: Anzar Mahmood and Embryological Development Date:11/13/17 Period:3A Advisor:kees Title: Whale Evolution Essay Albert Schweitzer stated, “The first step in the evolution of ethics is a sense of solidarity with other human beings.” Scientist say evolution took place because there is evidence of different whale fossil records being compared to modern whales which shows evolution. There are also fossil records for…
By Jonas Wilson, Ing. Med. Lichen striatus Lichen striatus (LS), also known as Blaschko linear acquired inflammatory skin eruption or linear lichenoid dermatosis, is a benign, rare and self-limiting inflammatory skin condition. It primarily affects children between the ages of 5 to 15 years. LS initially presents as pinkish-red or flesh colored spots that coalesce over a two-week period (or less) to form a dull and scaly linear band. Lesions associated with LS tend to occur more frequently…
only escalated over time, causing Pope Francis to address them. He does so in Laudato Si’, which brought major expectations with it being the first encyclical being mainly about the environment. In Pope Francis’s encyclical, he points out the importance of the environmental issues at hand and the actions needed to help them. To begin the introduction of Laudato Si’, Pope Francis explains the meaning behind the title. “Laudato Si’” is from the phrase “LAUDATO SI’, mi’ Signore” which means…
styles (LS) has become a way for people to be able to discover how they best learn. Individuals can be visual learners, physical learners, social learners, etc. In order for people to learn equally as well, it is believed that the teaching style (TS) has to be matched up to the students LS. 2) The idea of LS and TS has become so accepted by saying that everyone has the capability to learn efficiently is more attractive than saying that some people learn better than others (Lilenfeld et al.,…
corrective the curvature, dietary measures such as high calorie diet, vitamin D, calcium supplements, oral motor assessment and care, as well as physical therapy, and occupational therapy. According to a case study “Parental experiences of scoliosis management in Rett syndrome”, Scoliosis is the most common orthapaedic complication in RTT [3.4] with a median age onset of 9.8 years and about 75% of a population-based sample of girls with RTT affected by the age of 13 years (Ager, Downs, Fyfe, and…