drained by seawater is known as a salt marsh. Salt marshes are extremely important to many species as it serves as their habitat, and also saves them from potential predators as only certain species are able to live in the environment of a salt marsh. The salt marsh is mostly shallow and brackish, and consists of mostly saltwater. Salt marshes often develop amid marine and terrestrial environments, which results in biologically diverse communities adapted for harsh environmental settings including dryness, flooding, and extreme temperature fluctuations (Hill, "Salt Marsh Habitats"). High marsh takes place in areas above the mean high water mark and is not usually flooded by tides (Montague & Wiegert 1990). High marshes are often dominated by Spartina, transitioning to large Juncus populations toward the Homestead region (Montague & Wiegert 1990).…
The article "Heavily Oiled Salt Marsh following the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill, Ecological Comparisons of Shoreline Cleanup Treatments and Recovery" by Scott Zengel and others examined the effectiveness and ecological effects of different oiled marsh “cleanup” treatment methods used in the treatment test area as its stated purpose. They use the reality of unfortunate spill events to reflect on lessons from past experiences and gain more understanding in how to best approach handling the…
the threshold in marsh resilience to oil spills Brian R. Silliman and his team studied the erosion rates along Gulf of Mexico coastline following the Deepwater Horizon disaster in the summer of 2010. Before data collection began the relationship between the marsh erosion rates and the degree of plant stem oiling was predicted to be positively correlated. The greatest salt marsh erosion sites and the threshold for marsh resilience were forecasted to occur at the highest (90-100%) stem oiling…
Salt water marsh provide ecosystems to many type of wildlife. But in the past two centauries there has been many dangers to the marshes. Rising sea level has became a major problem for today’s environment, particularly the pacific coast marshes and wetlands, according to Dr. Glen Macdonald’s research. He has done research on how the sea level rising is affecting the marshes. His research has been focused on the 14 salt water marshes along the pacific coast, ranging from Tijuana to the northern…
due to human conduct, for example, maintaining shipping lanes, the digging of trenches, surge control levees, and the withdrawal of oil and gas. With no push to stop this emergency, an environment that backings the country economy, twenty-five percent of the country's angling industry, will be generally lost in the following century. In the course of the most recent twenty years, different arrangements have been recommended to spare Louisiana's coastal wetlands. Recommendations have included…
Our organization Nature Iraq does really important work to support the Mesopotamian Marshlands. Our work has changed the environment for the better. For thousands of years, the marshlands influenced the culture by providing the people of the marshlands with their needs to survive. From the reading it said, the marshlands provided people with fresh water to drink which gives them the opportunity to trade goods. Also the marshlands provided the people with reeds to build their homes and to…
The river Frome has been the focus of interest for its importance as a SSSI (Sites of Special Scientific Interest) in the section between Dorchester and Wareham, for the presence of nationally rare invertebrate. It is protected under the Nitrates Directive and the Freshwater Fish Directive. The Upper Frome is also a Drinking Water Protected Area (Environment Agency,2011). The catchment area extend for 454 Km2. Its chalk geology, especially in the upper Frome, has a excellent capacity of absorb…
Unraveling the Core of Good Writing “In fact, all writing is an attempt to transform ideas into words, thus giving order and meaning to life” (The Longman Reader, 13). Moreover, The Longman Reader reveals: “You might also have noted that figurative language, energetic verbs, and varied sentence patterns contribute to the essay’s descriptive power” (The Longman Reader, 83). Good writing is demonstrated by stories such as: “Salvation” by Langston Hughes, “Salt Marsh" by Marie Martinez, and “Bombs…
past. Wetlands are renouned for their impressive pollutant-filtering capabilities, which they perform by "...trapping sediments and retaining excess nutrients and other pollutants such as heavy metals"(Functions and Values of Wetlands, ecy.wa.gov). Trapping sediments found in AMD in a wetland may seem like a temporary solution that ultimately results in the wetland's destruction, but wetland grasses actually bury and convert toxic sediment into less-harmful chemicals. When AMD accumulates in…
and immediately begin to grow a new set. Also, the wetlands come alive do to the waterfowl migrating from the south in order to rest and feed on plants and insects. The habitats at the complex consists of riparian woodlands, wetlands, and grasslands. The riparian habitats are largely dominated by cottonwoods, oaks, and willows. The woodlands also provide nesting habitat for waterbirds like herons, egrets, cormorants, and many raptors. It is important to note that the woodlands are key wildlife…