Do you think you have what it takes to care for a guinea pig? Are you positive? Well okay, if you say so. We will cover multiple things throughout this session, such as What is a guinea pig and how to care for one. So lets get started. Based on what I know, and a little help from, let me tell you what you need to know to prepare yourself for your little guinea. Now, lets start with what exactly a guinea pig is. A guinea pig, or Cavy (pronounced “kay-vee”) as it’s scientific name is pronounced, is a tail-less rodent native to the coast of South America. They usually weigh 3 ounces at birth and 1-2 pounds fully grown. An adult cavy will usually measure 8-10 inches vertically. They can have long, short, or short and curly hair. Short and curly needing the most attention, long hair is next on the list, and short straight hair needing the least attention. Guineas have sensitive hearing and a very good sense of smell. They are very affectionate animals and can recognize their owners voice and will respond to them. They are very sociable so unless you have tons of free time on your hands it is recommended you get more than one. They’re not expensive to own and vet bills are nothing to worry about either. Now, it’s not common for you to take your guinea pig to go for a regular check-up but I would recommend it seeing as how they have a high chance of getting many diseases such as, Bites, these can be caused when two guineas get into a fight, one gets bit and it can…