Today men have become more conscious and fashionable about their style statements so they have started to use aftershave lotion to get a better result after shaving. You will get various kinds of aftershave lotions in the market but you should not go for a random selection. You should keep some points in your mind while choosing an aftershave lotion and you should remember that a reputed name of a lotion can be always safe to use on your face. Bay rum aftershave lotion is one of the most popular and renowned name in the world of shaving kits. Its long lasting fragrance and soothing effect can make you satisfied. This lotion is running successfully since 18th century. This oldest lotion was originated in the West Indian Island and then it spread its name across the whole world for its good antiseptic quality and mind blowing…
In conclusion, there were many ethical issues in the decision to change the chemical makeup of the aftershave, including but not limited to the use a non-FDA approved chemical additive and the failure to provide a disclaimer, in any form, about the additive being used. If the owners had used the WPH Framework for Business Ethics in their decision-making process, this issue may have been avoided. Under the Framework, there are three considerations: ‘Who’ the decision will affect, what ‘Purpose’…
to keep in mind that first impressions last and for guys, your face is the first thing that others will look at. This means that you need to have some serious thoughts about wearing any facial hair. You can go clean shaven or sport a beard if you like. But regardless of whether you will choose any of the two, you still need to consider what the best shaving technique is. You should also take into consideration the tools that you will need for shaving such as shaving cream, razor, and even…
In the world of advertisements, companies thrive on targeting a specific type of generation, sex, and product orientation. Advertisements rely on many things to attract their target buyer. Bright colors are one of many ways that consumers fall into the “mousetrap” that advertisers set to lure in the revenue and profits on their product. Another way that advertisers lure in customers is by using provocative and seductive images. In many cases, these images are correlated with colognes,…
Incredible Ways to Use Baby Powder Many people enjoy the scent of baby powder and therefore want to use this product as often as possible. Here are some incredible useful and creative ways you can use baby powder on a daily basis. • Eyelashes primer that makes the eyelashes thicker Before applying mascara powder your eyelashes with baby powder. Your eyelashes will be thicker without using false eyelashes. • Dry shampoo Use baby powder instead of dry shampoo. Just powder the roots of your…
LOU UNFOLDED THE TOURIST MAP and eyed a man over the rim of the creased paper. A boxy man with a crooked nose and a single bushy brow stood on the harbor dock, smoking a cigarette. He draped an arm around a woman’s shoulder while he joked with another guy twice his size, a hairy bear as wide as he was tall. The woman was a little more than a caricature to Lou. Big hair and a big mouth, made bigger by the annoying smack of bubblegum between her magenta lips. Her clothes were too tight in some…
Have you ever thought about surviving by yourself in the wilderness? After reading the texts, Gary from“Trapped in the Desert” by Gary Beeman, Keehs from “Story of Keesh” by Jack London, and Simon and Maya“Lost Island of Tamarind” by Nadia Aguiar, the stories all talk about how the main characters survive in the wild. Creativity, intelligence, and leadership are all traits that Gary, Maya, Simon, and Keesh share. However, the person that was the best survivalist was Gary because he could memory…
Every company has their own dress code and the way you dress for the job may contrast from the way you dress for an interview. The way you present yourself at the interview demonstrates respect for the company, the interviewer, and for yourself. One should dress in a way that is expertly fitting for the position. A suit that is comfortable and well fitted should be worn to an interview. Your clothing has to be neat, clean, and well pressed. Your hair must be neat, clean and combed in a…
The appropriate court for this lawsuit depends upon several factors. Three important considerations include the following: Personal jurisdiction is the court having jurisdiction over the person or property. The court has the power to make a decision that affects the person’s rights. In case study one, Donald Margolin and his company files a lawsuit against Novelty Now Inc. and Chris, Matt and Ian that worked together to manufacture and distributes Funny Face. He is seeking medical cost and…
When Charles Darwin published his work on natural selection, he suggested how absolutely important the ability to adapt is in the natural world. However, the concepts of adaptation and evolution apply to more than survival of the fittest in the natural world and, in fact, hold true in business as well. Founded in the 1930s, the Old Spice company produces hygiene products for men and women, with their original focus being on shaving soap and aftershave lotion (“History of Old Spice,” n.d.). An…