both worked to reformulate the white interpretations of the Mae Preta, and to define black inclusion on differing terms. In Rio de Janeiro, the Mae Preta was viewed as symbolic of the racial mixture of Brazil. In Rio, a modernist sensibility was taking over that supported the rich diverse history and contributions of differing ethnicities, particularly African, and embraced the mestico view of Brazilian identity. In Sao Paulo, the black…
The favelas in Brazil are mainly built on the hillsides and they consist of small shacks where the city’s poor live. Many of the houses are single rooms and lack water, electricity, and plumbing of any kind. In the worst cases, the houses are single room buildings made out of cardboard, plastic and tin roofs held down by rocks. The more established favelas have houses of maybe 2 rooms and are made out of bricks rather than scavenged materials. Benedita da Silva, an Afro-Brazilian woman and…
of this contradiction. Brazilians have a very diverse ancestry. Brazil had the largest slave population with an import of 5 million slaves between the years of 1502 to 1867. The…
throughout Carnival, some men are outwardly disrespectful. Mainly self-proclaimed heterosexual men imitate women in an outlandish manner by applying breast and buttock padding. In some cases, “there is another form of padding around the genital area, where either a tampon is visibly sticking out of a woman’s bathing suit, or a mop-head is inserted through the crotch…so that the hanging strings resemble monstrously unshorn pubic hairs” (Murray 2000, 107). Nonetheless, most men retain their facial…
Brazilians are very lively speakers, tend to talk with their hands, and touch people while communicating. Having a high level of socio-linguistics is a critical component to CQ knowledge, when doing business in Brazil. It is not only critical to know these things so the business leader can understand what is going on, it is also important that they know how they should act in return. Strategy It is not only important to be motivated and have knowledge for a multicultural experience, it is…
Carnival is a celebration of different colors which converts into beautiful customs, calypso and steel pan music, different forms of dancing, foods, and Caribbean style arts that fascinates thousands of people from many different parts of the world. Trinidad and Tobago carnival is a once a year event with a combination of many different activities. The main purpose of the carnival is to reveal their culture and way of life by bringing everyone together. Trinidad and Tobago is a dual island,…
Our culture dictates many parts of our lives, whether it be through conscious understanding or through subconscious ritual and belief. For some, their culture defines who they are fundamentally. Alice Walker, in her short story “Everyday Use”, uses the differing mindsets of two sisters to explore African-American culture in rural America. Also explored is how heritage, reflected in where and when one grows up, interacts and affects culture. Although Mama raised both sisters the same way, they…
Afros directly challenged the traditional ideal of beauty that devalued natural black features. Afros and Black power contradicted the more acceptable straightened styles that black women had been conditioned to wear for decades. Because this white aesthetic historically represented the norm for beautiful hair, afros represented its direct opposite. And because hair is something that can be seen and read immediately, especially if it does not meet mainstream standards, afros brought the politics…
“Black Is Beautiful”: Social Politics Surrounding the Afro Research Question: To what extent did the ‘Black-Is-Beautiful’ Movement of the 1960’s promote black expression and further debates regarding ‘natural hair’? Background In order to facilitate an understanding of the perspective of George S. Schuyler, the “skeptical Negro” who “debunks natural hair” and criticizes “Black is Beautiful” in the project’s main Special Collections source, it is first important to establish key information…
Black is Beautiful. With this declaration of Black pride, the Afro, which was popularized by Angela Davis, became the emblem of Black Power and Black self-love. It is through the creation and the expansion of the Afro hairstyle that Black hair became politicized as a tool of resistance against white hegemony and the overarching threat of White supremacy. With the rise of the Black Power Movement and the spread of the Natural Hair Movement came the push for less straightened hair, as it was an…