When the story of “Diana and Actaeon” is mentioned, one’s mind most commonly recalls the episode in Ovid’s Metamorphoses, in which Actaeon accidentally stumbles upon the goddess Diana naked in the woods during a hunting trip, and she metamorphoses him into a deer; therefore, his hunting dogs devour him (Ovid 55). “Diana and Actaeon” is a very well known episode from the Metamorphoses; it is where Ovid first delves into a discussion of whether the gods are just in their punishments towards mortals. Perhaps for this reason, “Diana and Actaeon” has inspired numerous visual translations depicting various scenes from the episode. The famous Italian artist Titian created a visual depiction of “Diana and Actaeon,” titled “Diana and Actaeon,” in which…
The unfortunate story of Actaeon, as recorded by Ovid, unfolds as follows: As the sun nears its peak on a warm day, Actaeon calls a halt to his hunting party, using the break to wander through an unknown area of the forest. During his exploration, he stumbles across the hunting goddess Diana naked. As punishment for what Actaeon has seen, Diana transforms him into a stag and wills him away into the forest. Soon after his hunting dogs catch his new scent and unknowingly kill their previous owner,…
Mihir Waykar Mrs. Spillane Period 3 01 29 16 The Art of Analysis: Actaeon The poem “Actaeon” by A.E. Stallings is a poem describing the Greek story of Actaeon. In her poem Stalling describes Actaeon and his way of life in the eyes of a goddess. The voice of the speaker creates a tone that shows mockery and the mood is quite contemptuous toward Actaeon’s fate. The hound dogs play a significant part in this poem because its shows Actaeon’s ownership and how he is able to command them. The tone of…
The myth of Actaeon, Aktaion, or Actaion is one of the popular Greek myths. Actaeon was the son of Aristaeus and Autonoe, and lived in the region of Boeotia. He was taught to hunt by the centaur Chrion. Ovid’s Metamorphoses had the earliest completed version of the myth. In that version, Actaeon went hunting with his canine companions; while looking for a place to rest, he wondered off into a wooded valley, where goddess Artemis was bathing. The goddess spotted him and furious at his intrusion,…
In the Norton Art Museum in West Palm Beach, Florida, there is a beautiful painting called “Diana and Actaeon with Pan and Syrinx” by Valerio Castello. Valerio Castello was an Italian painter of the Baroque period. He was born in 1624 and died in 1659. His interest in painting grew and he began his apprenticeship with Domenico Fiasella. From there he travelled around a lot and painted many art works like “Rape of the Sabines,” and “Consolation of Saint Francis,” along with “Diana and Actaeon…
In “Actaeon”, the young hunter Actaeon suffers a cruel, unfair fate because of Diana’s impulsive and unjust use of her powers. In Tales from Ovid, by Ted Hughes, Ovid conveys that when people abuse their power it victimizes others and as a result hurts innocent people because people with power are void of compassion. In one of the myths that support Ovid’s purpose, “Callisto and Arcas,” Jove abuses his power to forcefully take advantage of Callisto, and leaves her deeply disturbed, pregnant, and…
damage to the vase, this is one of the least damaged pieces of Greek pottery still in existence today. Therefore, intense repairment was not necessary. As described by British archaeologist John Beazley, the vase has “cunning craftsmanship, and rapid motion…” The first side of the vase, according to the Museum of Fine Arts description page, depicts two Greek gods, Artemis and Actaeon. Artemis is shown holding a bow and arrow up to Actaeon, who has fallen to the ground, and is being attacked by…
I will be analyzing the stories of Callisto, Actaeon, and Pentheus in regards to Dionysus and Artemis. All three of the first characters go through serious transformations that are very significant for my essay. These transformations in Ovid’s Metamorphoses are really determined by the naive nature of each of these three characters and this really is the fuel for Dionysus and Artemis to keep their godly roles in the stories. Callisto and Actaeon from Ovid and Pentheus from the Bacchae both…
primordial goddess of the Earth”(Artemis •). Another source says that Artemis accidently killed Orion because her brother tricked her supported by this quote, “The handsome giant Orion was a companion of the goddess but her jealous brother Apollo tricked her into killing him with a distant bow-shot” (Atsma). After Orion’s death, Artemis created him as a constellation in the sky to diminish her grief. Soon, Artemis encountered another man who was less courteous than Orion. Artemis met a man…
both positive and negative. While knowledge could be used to find the cures for diseases, it can also cause or create more. Words such as “forebodes” (10) and “destruction” (10) adds to a future warning humans of their coming downfall. The poet conveys a more grave tone with ominous diction. His words bring messages how something bad can and will happen if humanity continues to ‘birth’ more monsters. The tone tells how humanity is developing too fast. The symbol is followed by an allusion of…