My preconceived notion of resilience was the ability to get knocked down and have the strength to get back up again. However, when I read the article it caused me to challenge my perception of resilience. In my response, I will address and discuss critically what challenges I believe I will face and how I can best safeguard myself against the potential tests to my resilience, as a trainee Teacher. I believe it is incredibly important for anyone undertaking a PGCE or any Teacher training route, for that matter, to have strongly considered the challenges they will face. It makes for sobering reading to hear that nearly 40% of teachers had considered leaving the profession (ATL, 2010). This is a huge challenge to any trainee teacher’s sense of vocation and their enthusiasm starting out.…
effort, as opposed to a fixed mindset in which one believes their abilities are unchangeable (Dweck, 2006). Students with fixed mindset believe intelligence is static and tend to desire looking smart, therefore they avoid challenges, give up easily, see effort as fruitless, ignore useful feedback, and are threatened by others’ success. Students with a fixed mindset report feeling dumb when they have to work hard, and are more likely to become discouraged or defensive, may avoid opportunities…
People often retreat in the face of adversity. The problem with this is that adversity creates some of the biggest character building events you’ll ever face. The best way to build good character through adversity is by facing the challenge and not backing down. The way you face the adversity presented to you will change the way you think in the future just like how mistakes are the best teachers. Adversity challenges people everyday to make hard decisions and inevitably learn from the decisions…
Personal Philosophy of the Student Affairs Field Reflecting on my personal college experience and those of my peers, I believe that the field of Student Affairs provides a unique and even essential opportunity to help shape the experience that student’s receive within the university setting. I strongly believe that students gain more from their college experience learning and growing outside of the classroom rather than inside. Self-discovery and personal exploration through extra-curricular…
1. Identify your three greatest personal strengths (be honest and realistic). My three personal strengths I identify with are being creative, open-minded and perceptive. I view myself as creative because I personally view art with a high prestige. I enjoy the idea of originality and trying to create new ideas that aren’t necessarily the norm. My interests in art vary from renaissance styled sculptures/paintings to modern surrealism. I also try to demonstrate creativity when doing projects and…
supervisor, it is vital to understand the qualities that each role presents. Within this assignment, I will discuss the three roles I believe to be important within the supervisor role. I will also discuss the challenges that could potentially present themselves while acting as a teacher. Finally, I will discuss the importance of each role and what the literature review reference for future call to actions. Teacher The Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs…
This world is full of challenges, some may call them just bumps in the road and some in the moment. Call it the end of the world, but no matter what you call it big or small it is up to you whether you chose to embrace and learn from what you have been thru or are going through and whether you chose to let it control you there is only one true definition and according to the google dictionary a challenge is a call to take part in a contest or competition, especially a dual it is an objection or…
maintaining a healthy eating pattern while having one cheat snack per week, which was less than 300 calories. Having a hectic schedule made this task difficult. It was hard to find the time to prepare healthy foods and snacks that I could grab throughout the day. Stopping and picking up snacks from a store was much more convenient. Ruff, Acklund & Adjoian (2016) found that corner stores negatively influence ones nutritional habits through the easily accessible, cheap and high calorie foods.…
and implementing various techniques. This writer has gained additional awareness into what the counseling relationship looks like as well as how to challenge the client, problem solve, collect and reframe the story, identify possibilities, set goals, implement a plan, and ultimately lead the client to termination and maintenance. This paper is a reflection of what she has learned throughout this course. Skills and Strengths This writer feels that the most significant information she learned…
in reading text with more complexity. Moreover in math, I believe my goal ended up overshot. The Investigations unit allowed the students new challenges in math. The students succeeded with the new tasks. The students were actually disappointed when they had to stop playing the games. My mentor also planned one center to have a familiar game so that students were not overwhelmed with new concepts. It ended as a success due to the students attempted making word problems with the familiar games…