Toxic shock syndrome (TSS) is a rare but damaging acute illness that affects children with burn injuries. The aim of this study, using an exploratory sequential mixed method methodology, is to develop an early warning prediction tool that can predict toxic shock. The qualitative phase of the study will use investigative interviews and case study to collect data of the childs pre-injury health which will be analysed using content analysis to develop a questionnaire that will be used within the quantitative study. Potential participants for the qualitative study will be identified from the injury database within the burn centre and will be contacted during routine follow up appointments. Parents of children previously diagnosed with TSS due…
482 words - back up with references Can I wear a tampon to bed? No one wants to change their sheets because of good ol’ gravity and the bleeding you have from your period, right? Is it safe though to wear a tampon to bed, overnight? Wearing a tampon to overnight is not recommended for one specific reason, toxic shock syndrome, or TSS. Your tampon absorbs you're bleeding, but also dried up the “cleaning” system of the vagina, the vaginal mucous. Without the mucous in place constantly cleaning…
DEFINITION: Toxic shock syndrome is a rare but very serious medical condition caused by certain types of bacterial infections. It is often caused by toxins produced by Staphylococcus aureus bacteria, found in women, but can also be produced by toxins produced by group A streptococcus bacteria. Toxic shock syndrome has been associated with the use of superabsorbent tampons. The body responds with a sudden sharp drop in blood pressure which in turn depletes organs in the body with blood and can…
Microbiology Case Study: Toxic Shock Syndrome I. Background AH, a 12-year-old Caucasian female, escorted by her 32-year-old mother to the local hospital’s emergency department early one morning. AH’s mother noted that within the past 3 hours AH has shown a variety of symptoms. These symptoms include: fever of 102ᵒ Fahrenheit, chills, aggressive vomiting, diarrhea, and an intense red rash of the palms and soles of her feet. AH also added that she has a sore throat, headache, muscle aches, and…
"Its better to walk alone, than with a crowd going in the wrong direction." Herman Siu. Why would anyone in their right mind have school start at 7 in the morning, like I need my beauty sleep... God knows I need it. But today is the first day of senior year, and I woke up 30 minuets late. Luckily I showered last night but my blond hair made its self in to a actual living birds nest on my head, That I brushed through and threw in a very messy pony tail. My outfit consisted of my brightly…
Before the start of the experiment a Slight shock of 45V is administered to the participant in order to show him what the Learner will be experiencing and to further portray the experiment as authentic (Milgram, 1963). However, the participant is not aware that this will be the only real shock in the experiment. The confederate will not be shocked because he is an actor in the situation (Milgram, 1963). He does act as if being shocked, however. In the Voice Feedback condition the Learner starts…
Our data cover sixteen major industrial sectors from nine countries in the Trans-Pacific region. We apply a factor-augmented vector autoregression (FAVAR) approach (Bernanke, Boivin, and Eliasz, 2005) to reduce the dimension of our data and to simulate the transmission of shocks from the Trans-Pacific region to the US. FAVAR has two advantages compared with traditional VAR. First, it can incorporate a broader set of information related to the unknown transmission mechanism by utilizing…
There would be a hole from the memory being erased, such as in the movie Eternal Sunshine of The Spotless Mind when Clementine said, “Nothing makes any sense to me! NOTHING MAKES ANY SENSE!” This was tested when a scientist played a tone for a rat before it was shocked. On an episode from the scientific podcast Radiolab titled "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Rat" Jad Abumrad said, “The moment it hears the tone and feels the shock, inside its head, a bunch of neurons start to build. Whenever…
of a woman who rejoiced when a terribly tragic event happened to her husband. This story starts in 1894 when women had no power. The woman’s name was Mrs. Mallard, and she was married to Brently Mallard. She had a heart disease and any seriously shocking moments could trigger a fatal heart attack. Mrs. Mallard is an unsympathetic person based on her desire to become a widow, the perceived joy and freedom of her husband’s death, and the shock she faces when she realizes her husband is still…
In this article “The Peril of Obedience” Stanley Milgram conducted a series of experiments to determine if people would choose to follow authority or obey their morals. In this series of experiments the experimenter Stanley Milgram found a few contributors to test out his theory. Before he started his experiment he had to pick a teacher and a student, who each got a piece of paper to decide which one is going to give the shocks and which one was going to take the shocks. The learner was strapped…