This has resulted in civil wars and ethnic conflicts. One place where this has occurred is in Serbia. Serbia was one of the parts of the former Yugoslavia, which had once been a large Communist country. Yugoslavia was already beginning to separate into smaller states by the time that Slobodan Milosevic became president. Milosevic had plans to recombine some of the states under the leadership of Serbia, but the newly independent states had other ideas. The conflicts grew into a bloody civil war. One main part of the conflict occurred between Serbia and the province to its south called Kosovo. Kosovo was the home of ethnic Albanians who wanted their own independent state. By 1996, Kosovo had its own army - the Kosovo Liberation Army, or KLA.…
Six-year-old kids would start their adventure with the education system in Serbia. It is required for all the kids to go and educate themselves. Before they go to the school children would have to take different tests, so child psychologist could see if they are ready to go to the school. Elementary school is eight years long in Serbia. First two grades it would be really easy for all the children. They would not have a lot of homework to do whenever they come back from the school. But in the…
similar to many before it; kill the unwanted minority in order to create a pure race and space for that race to exist. And when it came to the genocide in the Balkans the intention was to create a greater Greater Serbia with a Serbian population. The genocide impacted many individuals in different ways. The way women were…
During, world war II Yugoslavia modern day Serbia was under the occupation of the Axis powers. While, under the German rule a group called Ustase came into power, the Ustase intended to create an ethnically "pure" Croatia, and viewed Serbians that followed the Eastern Orthodox church and Jews living in Croatia, and Bosnia as the biggest obstacles. Thus, started the Serbian Genocide, the Ustase coincided with German Holocaust as many Serbian were executed, expelled and converted to Catholicism.…
Pastuszak The Yugoslav Wars were some of the most complicated and devastating wars of the 20th Century and has had massive effects on the Balkan Region today. Slobodan Milošević was an instrumental part of the Yugoslav Wars, his actions were the greatest factors in the ethnic tensions sparking into an all-out war. Milošević had the ultimate goal of creating a Greater Serbia, one that would encompass most of Yugoslavia except for Slovenia and Northern Croatia, his promotion of…
The 1974 Federal Constitution of Yugoslavia granted Kosovo, a small province of Serbia, significant governmental autonomy; for millennia, the Kosovars and Serbs have maintained political and religious animosity, stemming from ethnic differences between the populations and naturally, the Serbian government viewed an autonomous Kosovo as a threat to their sovereignty (Amstutz 22). In 1988, the Serbian government suspended Kosovo’s political autonomy and responded to the formation of the Kosovo…
The Republic of Serbia has a strong and compelling history of prioritizing migratory policy. Migration is a multifaceted and international issue caused by a myriad of reasons such as, globalization and technological advancements, liberalization of labor markets, increased frequency of internal armed conflict, general oppression by Member State governments, and an increasing frequency and severity of disasters. The Republic of Serbia aims to enact solutions that will reduce the current negative…
The rise of nationalism and antagonism in Serbian people felt that they had the right to a single country and feared that the other ethnic groups would exterminate them. When the fall of Yugoslavia happened, the Serbian politicians knew they needed to stir up fear and victimization to hide their real aim build a more significant Serbia. This aggressive Serbian nationalism broke the final thread that was holding Yugoslavia's nations in an arrangement. According to Vesna Pesci's report on Serbian…
Kosovo is located in the Balkan region of South-east Europe and has been point of contention throughout history. Neighboring Serbia has longed alleged that “Kosovo is Serbia”, while Kosovo Albanians (Kosovars) strongly disagree with this perception. The intent of this research paper is to identify the causes of strong ethnic tensions and oppression in the region. Furthermore, to identify the operational variables that have affected unit operations during the NATO lead air and missile campaign…
Once upon a time serbian was a tiny piece of the ottoman empire, but then Serbia gained independence from the ottoman Empire in 1815 and then its biggest fear was annexation by the Austrian-Hungarian Empire. Serbs all they wanted is for the country to become all slavic and their ally russia supported them. Austria-Hungary did not approve due to the vast slavic population they already have. The Austrian-Hungarians were scared that if they permit that the serbs would rebel. therefore they annexed…