changes in sea ice extent. Specifically, the report addresses the slow but significant seasonal decline in sea ice cover. Arctic sea ice is of utmost importance for ecosystems to thrive. Post et al. (2013) discuss this further, stating “the sea-ice biome influences the abundance, distribution, seasonality, and interactions of marine and terrestrial species.” This is especially true for polar bear populations in the Arctic, as the presence of sea ice is imperative to their survival. Increased alterations in seasonal sea ice retreat and return influence movement patterns, predation, and mating (Derocher & Sahanatien, 2012). Earlier sea ice melt means polar bears must retreat…
have thick, dense hair. This hair covers almost every part of their body except for their muzzle and footpads. Ironically, Polar bears overheat. To keep from overheating polar bears perform many different actions to regulate their body temperature. Polar bears are known to move quite slowly, but they do this to keep a stable body temperature. Polar bears release extra body heat through their muzzle, ears, and footpads. These adaptations are examples of homeostasis. The only place in the world…
polar. Polar bears can also be called sea bear, ice bear or even white bear. Habitat Description and Niche Characteristics Diet: Polar bears are carnivores and their primary prey are seals. Some seals that polar bears eat are ringed seals, bearded seals and other pinnipeds. Polar bears can be opportunistic in addition to being predatory. Polar bears will ingest dead fish and remains of stranded whales and eat trash by human settlements that are nearby. Beluga whales can also be included in the…
The difference between the polar bear and Komodo dragon are pronounced, they have different habitats, hunting strategies and temperaments. Although Polar bears and Komodo dragons are similar in the animal kingdom their habitats are different altogether. For example, the polar bear spends most of their life in, around, or on the ocean. They use the floating sea ice as their home, moving from one location to another. This where the polar bears can find the greatest number of prey. As the ice…
The amount of ice that covers the arctic declines “1.5% per decade.”(The National Snow and Ice Data Center 2). The polar bears losing ice to live on is the equivalent of us losing our land to live on. We need it in order to survive. Once all of the ice caps are melted, the entire polar bear species will fall from the face of the earth. It is vital that extinction of these creatures never happens because it will cause a butterfly effect throwing off our whole food chain. Once one thing in a cycle…
Arctic amplification is expected to cause arctic warming through the year 2100. This warming corresponds to a trend of decreasing in sea ice area and extent through the end of the century. Despite this anticipated trend, inter-annual variability in arctic sea ice extent remains relatively unpredictable. The variables affecting sea ice growth include, but are not limited to, large-scale atmospheric circulation, local meteorology, and dynamical surface fluxes, thus the forcing on arctic sea ice is…
Bears in Alaska Have you ever wondered about bears? Where they live, what they look like? Well I'm going to tell you everything you need to know about three different types of bears. Those three include Polar Bears, Grizzly Bears, and also Kodiak Bears. They are three very different bears, from where they live their live to how they live their live. Of course they have similarities but they also have their differences. First off lets start with Polar Bears in Alaska. Polar bears have…
Appearance, diet, habitat, natural (or introduced) predators, and reproductive habits Polar Bears live in an arctic marine ecosystem, and its native range lies largely within the Arctic Circle, encompassing the Arctic Ocean, its surrounding seas and surrounding land masses. Polar bears have a distinctive white appearance. Their necks are much longer and their head is narrower compared to other species of bears. The front paws are large and used like paddles for swimming. Paws are heavily…
Polar bears Each fall, hundreds of polar bears migrate past this chilly hamlet, waiting for Hudson Bay to freeze over so they can venture onto the sea ice to pounce on unsuspecting seals. In the summer, instead of disappearing into carpets of wildflowers that blanket the tundra, polar bears were pawing through town dumps and wandering near the airport runway and snoozing on front porches. Those that survive the summer are at their most ravenous--and dangerous state. Starving bears often lose…
Would there be a difference in the fitness of polar bears due to their fur length in the Artic region? The scientific name of a polar bear is Ursus maritimus, meaning that it is a “marine mammal” (National Wildlife Federation). Even though polar bears do spend time on land, they tend to spend most of their time in the sea, hence why they are considered a “marine mammal”. Their fur is “hollow and reflects light” and this allows for the bear to have white fur phenotype(Lockwood,S.). Not only does…