decade same-sex couples have experienced several changes regarding legal recognition compared to previous generations. The increase in legal recognition aims to remove institutionalised discrimination and improve community values. Individuals are bringing about change worldwide through successful initiatives, to promote awareness and inclusion. Therefore, families have begun to increase diversity -including a rise in the number of same-sex couples - however, same-sex couples still face a range of significant challenges. This essay explores the greater rights that lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered (LGBT) people have experienced today, examines the tensions between power structures and recognises the challenges they still…
including opposite-sex and same-sex friendship as described in the article, by April L. Bleske and David M. Buss, titled: Can men and women be just friends? This article discusses the methodology of two studies performed to test evolution-based hypotheses and their outcomes. Friendships in general can provide benefits to both parties as well as inflict costs. “One of the complexities of friendship is that some characteristics of friendship are perceived as both…
with those we love and also those we are slowly getting to know. The purpose of this paper is to explore intimacy within same sex relationships, and identify any similarities or differences that…
1. Describe the forms of violence pertaining to gay and lesbian relationships. The various forms of violence found in gay and lesbian relationships are very much similar to what is found in heterosexual relationships. In a study conducted by Gregory Greenwood et al. (2002), it was found that the most major forms of violence against gay males included sexual battering, physical battering, and psychological battering. Of the participants surveyed, it was found that five percent were sexually…
In Stephen Mays' “What about Gender Roles in Same-Sex Relationships?” (2013), he discusses the unrealistic expectations of gender roles being placed on same-sex couples. He states, as common sense would have it, that neither party in a gay relationship should be labeled as the “woman” of the relationship. In fact, he insists that them being both men makes the relationship more equal. Mays explains, “If one of us cooks dinner once, or every night for that matter, it isn't because he's the “woman”…
Four Counseling Issues Most counselors at some point in their career will face difficult issues. Those difficult issues can force a counselor to examine his or her ethics, and morals. Knowing where a counselor stands, and being self-aware will be important as those issues arise. The four counseling issues that will be discussed are Domestic Violence and Children, Mandated Clients, Same-Sex Adoptions, and Right-to-Die issues. Also, to be discussed are the state/region laws that apply to the…
cultural, family, friends, and race relations. As a Black woman, I feel that my ability to work comfortably with different cultures is a correlation to my childhood upbringing. Fortunately, my parents had the foresight to recognize that their children would need to be raised around different cultures, to assimilate with other cultures. I was raised in a predominately upper middle income Caucasian neighborhood. One can only imagine the cultural experiences I had as a Black child. Some of…
the point at which the woman in the relationship could be the breadwinner and the man could stay at home and care for the children. When a parent stays at home to care for the children and do housework it is usually beneficial to the family’s happiness. In support of their research the Pew Research Center says, “only 8% said children are better off if their father is home and doesn’t work. On the other hand, 34% of adults said children are just as well off if their mother works, while 76% said…
What are the benefits of same sex marriage? Providing homosexual couples with the same legal and social reconciliation for their relationships will in know way affect the rights of others. Allowing same sex marriage is about the extended privileges between couples. Dinno and Whitney (2013) indicate that it is absurd if the Government excludes individuals from doing something that another person can; Australia promotes values such as equality, respect and dignity, these are clearly not shown…
parents of the same-sex are unable to provide a stable and safe environment to raise children. A same-sex couple is just that, a couple where both partners are of the same sex, either two men or two women. Gay and lesbian parents are equally as capable as straight parents to care for a child. These children can grow up normal, healthy, and happy in settings that are secure and reliable. Barack Obama, the 44th president of the United States, expressed on Twitter, "When all Americans are treated…