3.4. Ternary systems MgO-SF-QF (MgO-SiO2-Quartz fillers) 3.4.1. Effect of crushed quartz filler on water reduction The idea of adding crushed quartz filler to M-S-H binder is inherited from replacement of Portland cement with quartz filler to improve the rheology of cement paste [25] due to the less water absorption and smooth texture of finely ground quartz particles. Fig. 9 described water reduction effect as adding crushed quartz filler (QF) to MgO-SiO2 binary system to maintain a fixed flow of MgO-SF-QF ternary system (Series 3, 4, 5). It is obvious that the replacement of cementitous materials by crushed quartz filler improves rheology considerably, expressed by the consistent reduction of water content while maintaining a fixed flow of…
The Clear Quartz is the mixture of silicon and two oxygen molecules (silicon dioxide, or SiO2), it is also the precursor of over 500 stones as they start as the clear quartz and gain their color with inclusions and mineral deposits that are added while forming, these minerals are designated as “silicates.” The Clear Quartz crystal can occur in two different ways, one being the hexagonal crystals in masses and druses, and the other being dense fibrous material that has no visible crystals.…
The following project history is modified from Mitchell (1989), Woodman (2004a, b), Kennedy and Yule (2010), and Yule (2012, 2013, 2014, 2015). 1868: E.R. Faribault E.R. Faribault observed gold mineralized rocks in the Salmon River area in 1868. 1880: Mr. George Stewart and Mr. Alex Kent A shaft was sunk into a bedding parallel auriferous quartz vein at the Salmon River property. When mined at depth, this vein was discovered to be a saddle reef-type vein along a fold hinge. 1881-1925: Various…
vibration, and it helps grow one's happiness, bliss, and self-esteem. Piemontite is related to the Epidote (calcium aluminum iron sorosilicate mineral) group of minerals. It is a borosilicate mineral with the chemical formula Ca2(Al,Mn3+,Fe3+)3(SiO4)(Si2O7)O(OH). The coloring of piemontite varies with usually mixtures of black, pink, red, grey, and brown. It is a metaphoric rock created in low temperature hydrothermal veins. It is known was the stone of peace. In moments of foreign turmoil, it…
Gissella Fajardo Treasure of the Earth: Gems Nova The title of the documentary that we watched today was “Treasure of the Earth: Gems Nova”. The intended audience is anyone that is interested on learning about gems like rubies, diamonds and sapphires.The purpose of the documentary is to inform the audience about gemstones. I didn’t know specific information about gemstones. During the documentary I learned that near the Earth's surface many gemstones are formed when…
Written Exercise Paragraph 1 1. Lattice symmetry of quartz, α-FePO4 and β-FePO4: Quartz has a trigonal lattice structure with space group P3121 (group no. 152). At any temperature below 980K, Iron phosphate exists as α-FePO4, which has a trigonal lattice structure with space group P3121 (group no. 152) where iron, phosphate and oxygen occupy Wyckoff position 3a, 3b and 6c respectively. As the temperature rises up to and above 980K, α-FePO4 exhibits α-β transition and becomes β-FePO4 that shows…
thick layers and goes down to thin layers and has tightly compressed sediments. To why we believe the place was roamed with dinosaur as the Morrison formation is deposited near a flooded river or lake which have soft soil for dinosaur to implant dinosaur prints and the site itself is giving out radioactive which is from carnotite decays to uranium as the dinosaur bones are deposited with this element because its porous property, thus letting the ground water to passed through it. The Morrison…
and granites were eroding away along with the gneiss and granite in north central Minnesota. This erosion created a lot of quartz, which was eventually turned into quartz sandstone (Ojakangas, and Matsch 1982). These quartz sandstones are the Sioux Quartzite of southwestern Minnesota, the Nopeming quartzite of the Duluth area, and the Puckwunge formation of north-easternmost Minnesota. In other parts of the state, you would have seen a Mid-Continent Rift Forming. The Sioux Quartzite is…
A little about onyx before we delve into the value of black onyx. Onyx is a variety of chalcedony, which has bands of white and color. Agate and onyx are similar in that they have bands of white in them. Agate has curved bands while onyx has parallel bands. Black onyx often has stripes of white and black with black being more dominant. Onyx Properties Onyx comes in a variety of colors like red, yellow or blue. It falls under the category of quartz stones, and has a hardness of between 6 and 7…
The outcrop featured large garnets, anatexis was observed which shows two generations of garnets, pointing to the fact that there was differential or partial melting taking place (an indicator that it was an amphibolite facies). There was also evidence of a fault; the St. Nicolas fault which brought the Manhattan schist. There were observations of boudins of quartz, which are kinetic indicators of movement and stress on the rocks (Flores, 2016). In the Manhattan schist basaltic intrusions were…