For each sample, provide a detailed description, as precise of a rock name as you can, and an interpretation of the (possible) environment of formation. Quaternary: This is an igneous rock known as Tuff pyroclastic, which is a volcano-clastic rick composed mainly of volcanic ash. This conclusion makes sense as the quick cooling would cause the porous structures. This rock possesses sand to mud sized grains; therefore it is fine grained. This rock has interlocking crystals as well as a predominately mafic structure. This rock contains K Feldspar and hornblende due to splintery appearance of a black mineral This rock formed close to the mountains in the erosional world. This is known because this rock was produced by the pyroclastic flow of…
The second most abundant element in the Earth’s crust other than oxygen is silicon which if by mass is around 25.7g or 23%. However in nature, silicon never exist as a free or pure element but instead it mostly combines with the most abundant element in the Earth’s crust, oxygen, hence producing silica (SiO₂) or silicate minerals. The most prominent charge of Si in the crust is +4 rather than +2 which involve a silicon atom to bond in a tetrahedral manner with 4 other oxygen atoms giving rise to…
Current event article number one; Incredible facts about liquid Igneous rock Cullen Croghan Ivy Tech Community College Gemma Tarlach author of the article “Twenty Things You Didn’t Know About Lava” that I found from the magazine Discover did a very nice job talking about lava and the variations of it. Although she’s not a full-blown geologist she did a nice job with information very close to that of what’s been inscribed into our text books and what’s been told to us in class. After reading…
In this set of materials, the reading passage tells us about the three types of rock, and the listening passage explains the additional usage of sedimentary rock, which is describing as a third rock in the reading passage. The reading passage informs us about the characteristics of the three rocks. The most common rock is Igneous rock which means fire. The example of it is granite. By cooling and solidification of lava, igneous rock will be formed, and this makes up approximately 64.7% of the…
The biggest concerns from Yosemite is the fracturing of rocks. In 1996, a 80,000 ton piece of granite rock, broke loose from Glacier Point causing a massive airblast that covered the national park in a cloud of dust. A massive cloud of pulverized rock covered the region and instantaneously flatten 10 acres of trees. Consequently, fear for the next rock fracture worries many however nothing can be done to predict the next rockfall. So visitors are advised to be alert and aware (Dunham and Lillie,…
Dolerite is a hard igneous rock which played a prominent role in the surface geology and scenery of Teesdale. It formed 295 million years ago when magma oozed up through fractures in the earlier Carboniferous rocks, spreading out between the layers of limestone, sandstone and shale. The magma cooled and solidified into a massive sheet of igneous rock, reaching thicknesses of up to 230 feet (70m). Although the Whin Sill has suffered erosion and weathering spanning millions of years, it is only…
Petrography of host rocks The Venarch manganese deposit is accommodated by volcanic and plutonic rocks. The volcanic strata mainly consist of basalt, trachybasalt, andesite, and basaltic andesite which are intruded by monzonite, monzodiorite, granodiorite, and syenite. The plutonic rocks are mostly granular in texture; however other textures such as graphic and poikilitic textures are present. The dominant minerals are plagioclase phenocrysts, quartz, K-feldspar, and hornblende and accessory…
Obsidian can be found in countries where eruptions have occurred such as the United States, Turkey, Scotland, Peru, New Zealand, Mexico, Kenya, Japan, Italy, Iceland, Guatemala, El Salvador, Greece, Georgia, Chile, Canada, Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Argentina. Obsidian is volcanic lava that has cooled and is often referred to as volcanic glass. The name obsidian originated from a Roman named Obsius, a man who discovered a gemstone very similar in nature to obsidian. Its black, glassy, shiny and…
3.4. Ternary systems MgO-SF-QF (MgO-SiO2-Quartz fillers) 3.4.1. Effect of crushed quartz filler on water reduction The idea of adding crushed quartz filler to M-S-H binder is inherited from replacement of Portland cement with quartz filler to improve the rheology of cement paste [25] due to the less water absorption and smooth texture of finely ground quartz particles. Fig. 9 described water reduction effect as adding crushed quartz filler (QF) to MgO-SiO2 binary system to maintain a fixed flow…
Crystalline and Amorphous Solids Solids can be divided into two classes: crystalline and amorphous. Crystalline solids have well-defined edges and faces, diffract x-rays, and tend to have sharp melting points. In contrast, amorphous solids have irregular or curved surfaces, do not give well-resolved x-ray diffraction patterns, and melt over a wide range of temperatures. Crystalline solids, or crystals, have distinctive internal structures…