THE CONCEPTS OF NEGATIVE BINOMIAL DISTRIBUTION AND ITS APPLICATIONS IN REAL LIFE. BY OWUSU BRIGHT. INTRODUCTION In centuries, human activities where outcomes are described either as success or failure, has been a concern in the history of probability and statistics. In the act of tossing a coin, throwing a die to obtain a 6, either a machine work or fails, a student passing an exam or not and so on are events whose end results are either a yes or no, good or bad, present or absent, success or failure, as well as a win or loss. Generally, the history of probability and statistics, describe these activities to follow a Bernoulli distribution of the discrete probability distributions where an experiment has only two possible outcomes with a…
In definition, probability refers to the measure of the likelihood of an event happening. The probability for any event occurring falls between 1 percent and 100 percent thus meaning that the interpreted meaning of a probability equals the subject meaning held of the probability (Grinstead et al, 1997). However, it is worth noting that the application of probability or assigning of probability to the events in the effort to gratifying the axioms of probability follows some rules or basics…
Probability concepts like faith, as it exists in the dim intuition, through school education, the surface of that understanding, intuition often conflicts that again with a different point of view, must be thinking more in-depth study to be able to understand. Hot Monty Hall problem, and that is one example. There is not a simple probability, long confused with so many people and academics, the more deeply ponder the problems found. Since 1990, 1991 flared up in hot to 2000, there are more…
variable to evaluate the default probability of financial instruments. Specifically, copula function specify the joint distribution of the survival times after using the market information to derive the marginal distribution of the survival time. This approach solves the default correlation and the joint distribution of the pool asset to some extent, and it…
ISE SUMMER PROJECT 2015 Probability, randomness, and chance should be central in any STEM pedagogical model. The concepts of randomness and chance play a very significant role in the essence of all sciences, and especially in the empirical sciences. Randomness is a critical component of biological modeling at many levels in a wide range of systems. The fundamental axioms of the quantum paradigm in physics are, by definition, essentially stochastic. Economics uses the randomness in human thought…
Implementation of Bayesian Method for basic pattern Classification Abstract: This document describes an example of basic pattern classification using the Bayesian method. Based on given two dimensional (2-D) training data for two classes, we created a classifier using discriminant function (which is the logarithmic version of Bayes formula) and used it to classify provided test data. We estimated the necessary statistical parameters, such as mean covariance and prior probabilities, from…
as numeracy. Age. Older individuals don’t understand risk information as well, both overestimate and underestimate probabilities (Fuller, Dudley, & Blacktop, 2001), worse risk comprehension than younger individuals (Fausset & Rogers, 2012). Much of the literature supports the idea that decision making effectiveness…
application data that the application, in the following two subsections. 4.Applying Dropout to Distance Metric In this section, we focus on applying dropout to the learned metric. Let M be metric learned from the precious iteration. To apply the dropout technique, we introduce a Bernoulli random matrix , where each is a Bernoulli random variable with , using the random matrix , we compute the dropped out distance metric denoted by as. Given by i=j, and we already known that M is a symmetric…
After 30 s, the search mission is commenced. The updated probability map is transmitted to the service vehicles every 5 s by the host computer. The final configuration of planar position and the trajectories of all service vehicles for different time steps, 40 s, 90 s, 180 s are shown in Figure 6-3.1-1-c. The distribution density function based on the most updated probability maps are also shown in the figures. The color intensity is proportional to the value of distribution density function at…
uncertainty. When an “outcome is the result of adding the outcomes of many separate performances, all in certain respects uniform”; in other words, when the frequency-ratio is known, then the experiment is named divisible, while a non-divisible or non-seriable experiment is one which “can be neither itself broken down into a number of uniform additive parts nor treated as part of a divisible experiment” (p. 8). In a non-divisible experiment the frequency-ratio standpoint has no actual sense. One…