of probation your first thought is of the rehabilitative efforts that are put forth to ensure the probationer doesn’t fall back into the same problems that landed them in jail in the first place. For instance those that have drug related issues are given the resources to help them through their addictions. Also there are community related programs set forth to help bring the probationer back into the community. For the past 4 years there has been a steady decrease in the amount of community supervision of adults in the US (Maruschak, L, U.S. Department of Justice, pg 1). During 2012 there was an estimated 4.1 million adults that were on or moved to probation (Maruschak, L, U.S. Department of Justice pg. 1). This large number…
Probation plays an important role in the criminal justice system around the world. Approximately four million adults in the United States are now on probation, a court ordered sentence that provides for a period of community supervision as a penalty for a crime (Doherty, 2016). Probation should not be confused with parole, Probation refers to an independent criminal sentence imposed and administered by a judge (Doherty, 2016). Parole is community supervision inmate receives an early release…
This fall for my 2016 Internship, I had the opportunity to work with the Santa Clara County Probation Department. This opportunity was a pleasant surprise, because my career goal is to be a Probation Officer someday. Therefore, when I got the news of my acceptance, I was beyond excited. Upon the first day of training, I received the news that I was being placed in the Adult Probation Department. Furthermore, that I was being positioned under the Domestic Violence Unit. Gaining this internship…
Juvenile probation officers have three major roles, which are casework management, treatment and surveillance. These roles can cause conflict between the juvenile and the probationer officer depending on the situation. The author states “probation officers experience role conflict in attempting to fulfill both functions at the same time” (Latessa & Allen, 2003; Lawerence, 1984; pg.413). For example, when the probation officer has to act as a social worker and law enforcement next, may have the…
Probation Officer The Definition of Probation is the release of an offender from detention, subject to a period of good behavior under supervision. A Probation Officer, what do they do, how do they become what they are, and how do they help people. To become Probation Officer you must have a college degree. It must be a 4 Year Bachelor’s degree in the behavioral science and in criminal justice. The best colleges to attend in Texas to become a probation officer are Remington College , West…
While interning in New Britain Adult Probation, I observed how each probation officer had their own style when it came to counseling their clients. The more time I spent in adult probation and with different probation officers, I began to wonder how successful these tactics were. Therefore, I will be researching how effective - in terms of successful completion of probation and parole and low recidivism rates - different forms of counseling are to individuals on either probation or parole. The…
Federal probation officers help offenders reenter society by directing them towards helpful resources and supervising them in the community. They pursue education in areas such as psychology and criminal justice and find it rewarding to keeping the public safe while helping offenders reform. The officers use scientific methods, experience and training to predict risks and to identify ways to reduce recidivism. The need for these professionals is increasing as American legislators look for more…
Juvenile Probation Officers typically don’t make o ton of money, even at a senior level. What’s more important for me is actually having a sense of pride and helping the youth. As I look at the crime rate and the amount of youth that are dropping out of school, it affects me because I want to one day have children; I know that they could possibly be one of those kids who are peer pressured to do the wrong things. One of my main objectives as a Probation Officer would be to teach kids that it is…
The application process of working as a Police Officer, Correctional Officer and Probation Officer are different due to the fact that each plays an important role in the criminal justice branch. I will be discussing each of the positions and the hiring process of Los Angeles, and Riverside in California. The hiring process for a Police Officer in City Los Angeles as listed on the LAPD website is as follows: The youngest age, you can be to receive an interview is 20 1/2 years old. The applicant…
Policy The Comprehensive Crime Control Act There are currently five million Americans in the criminal justice system that are under community supervision like probation or parole (Walshe, 2012). This equates to approximately 1 in 45 adults. This is nearly double the incarcerated prison population. In 1984, the Comprehensive Crime Control Act, among other things, made probation a stand-alone sentence. This means that probation was no longer only a post-release condition. An offender can now be…