Merit pay

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    The system for which bonuses are derived directly correlates to their merit pay plan. As mentioned prior, employees are evaluated on several metrics on a bi-annual basis which are used to calculate the percentage of their bonus through the merit system. This percentage is then applied against the determined standard bonus for that year to calculate the employee’s take away. Since output is only one portion of the areas reviewed, this encourages a competitive culture without compromising ethical integrity or production quality. In addition, it challenges employees to get engaged in helping better the organization. The innovation of employee-driven cost saving measures is not only passed on to the customers and stockholders, but to the workers as well. At the time of this analysis’ publication, the average incentive bonus had averaged the gross salary of an employee and had consistently maintained…

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    management. There is an Advisory Board that is elected by the workers that meets with the President and Chairman every two weeks to talk about methods of improvement, and this board has been in place since 1914. (Sharplin, n.d.). This is an empowering culture; when employees feel they have a voice and are able to participate, it is an indication of a culture that places value on their workers. Lincoln has a merit pay plan that directly affects bonuses and is tied to performance appraisal.…

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    Merit Pay

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    1. When awarding additional pay for merit (good performance), how important is the perceived fairness from the employee's perspective regarding the amount of the pay? Please explain your response by reference to the concepts discussed in the course. Merit pay, also known as pay-for-performance, is defined as a raise in pay based on a set of criteria set by the employer. This usually involves the employer conducting a review meeting with the employee to discuss the employee's work performance…

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    Merit Pay

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    "Legal Challenges to Merit Pay Programs" discusses several different court cases from several different states in order to help illustrate how merit pay schemes have been dealt with in the court systems of the United States. Wood and Baldwin come to the conclusion that how the courts dealt with the issue of merit pay depended on which state was being looked at but also that "...the issues of merit pay plans lead to many unanswered questions yet to be addressed by the courts." (Wood, 1988) which…

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    Merit Pay Benefits

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    • 7 Pages

    benefits, and pitfalls of merit pay programs is varied and contradictory (Koppich, 2005). Since 1982, politicians have believed shifting to performance pay from the traditional single salary schedule in education would cause a significant rise in teacher performance and therefore produce measurable gains in student achievement (Jupp, 2005). However, thousands of U.S. school districts continue to operate using a standard salary schedule, an idea first utilized in the early part of the twentieth…

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    Merit Pay Act

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    The program’s rewards must be sufficiently motivating if a merit pay plan is going to encourage teachers to move out of their comfort zone and try innovative strategies or put forth even more effort. Past merit pay programs (mostly failures) have been criticized for asking much of the teachers and offering, in return, the potential to earn $750 after a year’s worth of extra effort. If a merit pay bonus is going to motivate teachers, then teachers must perceive the bonus to be attainable.…

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    Merit Pay For Teachers

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    • 4 Pages

    The issue of merit pay for teachers has been a long discussed and argued topic, with many people not involved in education favoring the concept. Since businesses have utilized performance or merit pay for their employees, many argue that it is only fair to use it for educators. Proponents of introducing merit pay, such as Peter Kent, vice-president of the Association of School and College Leaders, argues that this type of pay is much fairer than the old payment of automated progression…

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    Essay On Merit Pay

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    Do you think your pay should be determined on how others perform? Merit pay is a word that describes performance-related pay, mostly in educational development. There is a lot of positive and negative feedback discussing the merit law. The merit law has started but it is not yet in full effect. It is working because it is just affecting a small portion of the teachers check. That will change when the law is in full affect. I personally strongly disagree with this law and think that they should…

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  • Improved Essays

    Obviously, merit pay plans are growing rapidly across the country and are used in different ways to compensate teachers. Not to mention, some of the plans have been successful and some have failed. Nevertheless, policy makers will continue to develop policies that will improve the educational system for K-12 with the interest of merit pay at the top of the agenda. Since teachers are one of the main targets for student success, policy makers should strive to understand the different levels of…

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  • Improved Essays

    Although there are a lot of good points about introducing the concept of merit pay to teaching, the main problem with this program is will the teachers be happy. Lots of teachers in the trials for this program were happy with the results the students got and their increase in pay, but lots of teachers enjoy their job because they get to create their own curriculums and decide what the students need to know. The reason the teachers were hired in the first place was because the school system…

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