Here I am with my love Lysander with Demetrius both fighting over who should marry me. I have always been mean to him, treating him like he was not there and he still loves me. He does not interpret that I love Lysander. I wish Helena and Demetrius would be together. Why am I the one being fought over? I see my dad going to the duke to say something but what. The duke comes up to me and says “You have to marry Demetrius.” He said “But sir my love is for Lysander and I should be able to choose who I get to marry.” “You either marry him or die.” I genuinely wish that Helena and Demetrius would get back together they were dating but then he started to like me more than her; I anticipated. So this was it, I had four days to make my preference…
magical or extreme must happen in order to change love. It is tough luck if you love someone that doesn’t love you. Demetrius is in love with Hermia, but Hermia is in love with Lysander. Demetrius who knows this, won’t give up and will stop at nothing to get Hermia to love him. He is wasting his time. This doesn’t make sense for him to chase a woman who loves another man. Especially when he has a different young woman head over heals for him. Demetrius says to Helena, “I love thee not;…
different ways, which include dramatic, verbal, and situational irony. Verbal irony is when the opposite of what is meant, is said. Dramatic irony is when the audience or some characters know something that others don’t. Situational irony is when when the opposite of what you expect to happen, happens. During the play A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Hermia and Lysander were in love with each other when a major event happened and changes how they felt about each other. Also, a fairy queen fell in love…
In A Midsummer Night’s Dream, the hardship of love is the love triangle among the four young Athenians: Hermia loves Lysander, Lysander loves Hermia, Helena loves Demetrius, and Demetrius loves Hermia instead of Helena. The first major obstacle Hermia and Lysander face is Hermia’s father, Egeus, who wants her to marry Demetrius instead of Lysander (1.1.22-45). Duke Theseus is the ultimate law in Athens. Egeus says to Theseus, he has the right under Athenian Law to decide Hermia's fate. “I beg…
the play, speak about their upcoming wedding. They—no doubt—await for it with great excitement, but at the same time, there is a slight feeling of estrangement between the parties. Theseus expresses this by saying, “Hippolyta, I wooed thee with my sword And won thy love doing thee injuries. But I will wed thee in another key, With pomp, with triumph, and with reveling” (Shakespeare 1-2). Another example can be seen through the discourse between Hermia and Lysander. Although the lovers’ speech…
and change Hermia’s mind by forcefully giving her 3 options: Marry the man of Egeus’s choice, become a nun, or be executed. He walks into Theseus’ palace with Hermia alongside him against her own will. Egeus is enraged with his daughter because she is defying his beliefs about the law. The law states that Hermia is Egeus’s property, and Egeus gets to decide who she marries. Egeus then says, “Full of vexation come I with complaint against my child, my daughter Hermia...My noble lord, this man…
"My daughter Hermia." (Midsummer Nights Dream Act 1.Scene 1.Page 2) Hermia is depicted as the rebeliant young woman with a will and mind of her own. "...come I, with complaint against my child..."(MSND 1.1.2) Hermia 's goal is to marry Lysander to prove to her father that love wins out against him and what he demands."If then true lovers have been ever cross 'd, It stands as an edict in destiny: Then let us teach our trial patience, As due to love as thoughts and dreams and sighs."(MSND 1.1.6)…
Demetrius. She is in love with Lysander. Her good friend, Helena, is in love with Demetrius. It is the law of the land that she must marry who her father says or she will killed. Hermia plans to take run away with Lysander, to his aunt's house, where the law does not exist there. They plan to meet up by the Fairies. The rising action of the story is when in the Fairy community, Titania won't give Oberon a son. Oberon says he's going to torment the Queen for this. He then gets his counselor,…
The exposition in the story is when Theseus and Hippolyta are preparing for the wedding. There are several rising actions in the story. Lysander and Hermia try to escape Athens to get married. Helena betrays Demetrius, Hermia, and Lysanders secret plans. All four lovers end up in the woods. Demetrius being cruel to Helena leads Oberon to use the "love in idleness flower" on Demetrius. The climax in the story is when Puck accidentally places the love potion in Demetrius's eyes. This makes him…
Did you miss me.....the way his deep and smooth voice said that made my legs feel like they were jelly as I grab a hold of Lysander. I felt my foot step ahead one after the other as I realize I was running towards him, arms wide apart reaching forward to him. I launched myself to him arms wrapping around his throat and the feeling of his strong arms wrapping themselves around my body. I left my head up grabbing a hold of cheeks, I look down at him into his warm brown eyes that gaze back at me…