interaction. The assignment itself is a paragraph regarding a product manager of a large pharmaceutical company named Aaron. Aaron does not present his information during meetings well which results in a large amount of follow-up e-mails from employees. Aaron does not like receiving these e-mails and attacks his employees by sending rude emails regarding their lack of attention during meetings. Aaron was demoted from his position after his department made a mistake during the production of a pain reliever that resulted in a recall. In the following paragraphs I have evaluated the situation and advised how to handle the situation properly. Being confrontational in e-mails with employees is not an effective way to…
One tool is called Many-to-Many chat. This tool connects all the agents together in real time. Any agent can post a question or concern, then anyone who knows the answer can respond and provide the needed information. This tool has improved the efficiency for agents by lowering their handle time on a call, which is a key metric in call centers. Instant Messaging (IM) is a tool that our company has been using to answer questions within teams as well as to keep support staff informed about…
I thought about this today after researching the topic for this week’s TDA on information overload. The information I found reminded me of something that I am trying to implement not only in my every day life, but also in my work life and with my school studies. I am trying to implement what I like to call Stop, Think, and Breathe (STB) before submitting an assignment, responding to an incident at work, or responding to a situation with a friend or family member. It is like the take 10 rule that…
Intertwined to make a tangled web, spider silk incorporates a special stickiness to trap unsuspecting prey. Much like a spider’s web, social media captures people of all ages in the digital world of communication. Social media remains a platform for participation on the internet in which kids, teenagers, and adults publish information regarding a variety of topics. Yet, all social media platforms- Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Blogs, etc.- are simply threads in a larger web of digital…
situational factors, influence the ways in which information is provided and interpreted (Savolainen, 2015). The HR department of an organization should implement guidelines for the use of social media. Because of the potential legal and security issues, HR should provide rules that follow the EEOC laws. HR should address the sensitive topics of discrimination and sexual harassment. Organizations should not limit the social media hours of access. Because of the global workforce and growing…
effectively and smoothly, organizations must be able to adapt to the rapid technological advances that will occur in the future. By implementing technology into business environments, it allows organizations to create simpler and more efficient ways to complete tasks and become more effective in all areas including information management and human resources. Although staying current in technology can be beneficial, it also brings its own set of security and ethical issues as well as developing…
The film opens with a young man riding a motorcycle through the woods carrying a box of food items for a hermit woman living far and isolated from the nearest community. As he reaches the cabin to drop off the food and pick up his money in return, he becomes curious of the cabin and looks inside. He finds the old woman dead upon the floor of the cabin, with her arms folded on her chest and flowers covering her eyes. The young Billy Fisher quickly flees the cabin and back to town. When the local…
manage personal information. Legal practitioners need to be aware that the APPs are not prescriptive. Each APP entity has to consider and determine how the principles apply to its own situation. The Guidance Note lists the APPs, and provide legal practitioners with examples of how an APP entity could address the requirements of each APP. For the full text of the APPs, legal practitioners can gain access via OAIC’s webpage “Privacy fact sheet 17: Australian Privacy Principles”…
they develop these abilities to be able to develop shadows to where the items edges are tied to the specific object. As the book states “movement appears to help infants perceive edges and objects. In a number of studies, infants have been habituated to displays in which two arrangements of elements on a video screen move back and forth in various ways” (Gross, 167). Infants use movement as a way to be able to recognize the edges of an object and how it would correlate to the specific pattern.…
This was the first post I wrote for the event, I wrote it several months ago well before we began to have any victories, most noteworthy, the Black Series poll and the TOR expansion. It doesn't pull it punches and is somewhat harse, but quite accurate. This was written at a time I wasn't sure if we could win and I was gearing up for a lifelong struggle. I now know we can and will win this fight. We will restore the #TrEU. This was written with raw emotion and abandon. The final post will be a…