History of Canada, The first Inhabitant of Canada were Native Indians and the first settlers though were the Europeans when they discovered the east coast of Canada in 1497, John Macdonald became Canada’s first prime minister, but It wasn’t fully Independent yet. The Capital of Canada Is Ottawa and the Land Area Is 3,511,003 Square, Soverign was Queen Elizabeth II (1952). The Territories of Canada Is Yokan and Nunavut and Northwest Territories, the Provinces Is Alberta, British Colombia, Manitoba, New Brunswick, Nova Scotla, Ontario, Quebec, Prince Edwards Island. Canada Is full of Natural Resources and which are, Iron Ore, Zinc, Nickel, Copper, Gold, Silver, Diamond, Fish, Timber, Coal, Natural Gas, Rare Earth Elements and Canada was colonized…
Canada The history of Canada all started during 15,000 to 30,000 years ago, the first people came to Canada by crossing a land bridge between North America and Asia. The first person to discover Canada and North America was a Viking, his name was Leif Erickson. He first landed though in Newfoundland 1000 CE. Then a few thousand years later, that’s when the paleo Indians then discovered Canada. Later on, Canada was inhabited for millennia by distinctive groups of Aboriginal groups. The…
The Wikipedia article that I chose to edit is the article titled Prostitution in Canada (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prostitution_in_Canada). This topic directly relates to my group’s activism campaign because we discussed the stigma against sex workers in Canada and focused primarily on street work/prostitution. The article discusses the background and history of prostitution in Canada, including what is considered prostitution in Canada and the laws surrounding the topic and how they have…
before the underground railroad got started, colonial Canada was a safe place to buy, sell and own slaves.” -The Globe and Mail’s Robert Everett-Green. Slavery was legal in Canada for about two centuries, indigenous people being the main race of slaves due to the rareness of blacks in Canada at the time. “Black slaves were known as bois d’ébène (ebony wood), or pièce d’Inde if they were in prime condition. Blacks, being harder to get, were about double the cost of indigenous merchandise” The…
The Suffragette Movement; History. Imagine a world where women were constantly discriminated, so far that the government did not consider women as humans under the law. Would you believe me, if that time actually happened? In 1884, women were obligated to vote, but were very limited. But, the married women are unable to vote, and many other women were not able to own land, and they were not considered people under the law, they were property. That is horrendous of anyone to do that. The…
Capital Punishment The History of Capital Punishment in Canada British law was predominant in Canada until 1859, in which around 230 infractions, including the stealing of turnips, were punishable by death. Later in 1865, the law changed and only murder, treason and rape were considered capital offences. The first attempt to abolish this unusual punishment was taken in 1914 by parliamentarian Robert Bickerdike, stating strongly in the house "There is nothing, more degrading to society at large…
Fur trade kickstarted Canada's economy by spreading trade throughout Canada, creating new jobs for both European and First Nations people and creating a need for many different industries. Establishing the economy Before the fur trade with England, the First Nations people bartered to get what they needed. They traded food, furs, copper, pottery and other necessities with other First Nations people (p.77), over short and long distances. They mainly travel by canoe and by foot. This changed…
When people are asked to describe Canada, usually the first thing that comes to mind are words like “polite” or “kind.” People tend to forget the way certain people have been or are treated based only the colour of their skin. Inequalities have existed in Canada persistently and still exist today. Major examples of inequalities in Canadian history is the treatment of First Nations people and the treatment of Chinese-Canadians. These are only a couple of the millions of examples of discrimination…
Canada has a long history. Its history is an immigration history. Since ancient times, people had been moving and migrating to Canada and living here.British had the biggest impact on Canadian history. British formed HBC and monopolized the fur trade, this made a lot of European move to Canada. Also, British built churches and schools in North America to change first nations’ way to life. With the formation of the colonies, the government introduced many policies to change the political policy…
Why it is great to become a Canadian? Feb 5th, 2016 Cecilia Zhu When the word Canada is present, some of the things show up in people’s mind are the magnificent natural scenery, the famous hockey playing and the cold climate in winter. However, not only these three terms make Canada distinct from the other counties and is considered as one of the greatest countries in the world. Canada has the second largest territory in the world with a long history. The history of Canada covers the period…