Imagine a world where women were constantly discriminated, so far that the government did not consider women as humans under the law. Would you believe me, if that time actually happened? In 1884, women were obligated to vote, but were very limited. But, the married women are unable to vote, and many other women were not able to own land, and they were not considered people under the law, they were property. That is horrendous of anyone to do that. The Suffragette Movement has moved Canada towards a more equal land between the genders. The Suffragette Movement in 1884, had made a huge impact on the Canadian Society today.
The Suffragette movement started in 1884, and had started making its impact. Women ‘property’ were demanding the municipal vote, as it was a time period where men were only obligated to vote. Women were considered as property under the law, and were not able to vote unless they were married, which they were very limited to that. The Suffragette Movement happened all along Canada, without exception. One of the more affected placed would be Quebec. Quebec women were the last to finally get their provincial …show more content…
Unable to be humans. Today in 2016, women are allowed to maintain jobs, vote freely along with speaking freely. Women are allowed to be single, and unmarried and still get the same rights as a married women.Those are the biggest changes in our society. Here in canada women are able to get as much education as they would like, buy and sell property along with vehicles, animals, and access to free health care. Men and Women rights have evenly been evened, not completely, but when will it ever been even? We have always had some sort of problem between the genders, but the 2016 canadian society has come very far in how they react with the women’s rights, allowing them to be humans once