Feminism In Canada

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It is clear today, that the term “feminism” has been heavily referenced in the entertainment/media industry. Many celebrities and political figures have identified themselves as a feminist such as Shailene Woodley, Demi Lovato, Beyoncé, Hillary Clinton and etc. This type of movement has encouraged many people including young people around the world to identify themselves as a feminist. That is to say, many feminist organizations in past history have been vigorously fighting on the issue of feminism and bringing forth the issues that women have been facing for many years such as equality rights. Even with feminism being brought to light in a positive way, many individuals still carry a strong negative connotation towards the term “feminism.” …show more content…
According to an article called “The Women’s Movement in Canada” written by Jacquetta Newman and Linda White discusses the importance of women’s movement by stating “we see a diverse movement with a rich history constructed on a growing understanding of the experiences of women and the need for action to bring about social change. It is not especially cohesive, homogenous, or given to espousing one specific goal, but has developed as women have elaborated strategies to end women’s oppression and make their lives better (Hobbs and Rice, 657). The first women’s movement was started by “The First Wave: Political and Civil Rights”, even with this particular movement, they still struggled to bring awareness of political and civil rights for women because of the sexism received in this particular movement. For example, during the 1900s, many unions were mostly men. When women were fighting for better working condition and fairer workers’ rights, many of the men working in unions were not supportive of this movement. The reason behind this was because “it was difficult to organize women scattered among small shops or in home-based manufacturing; unionization efforts tended to focus on organizing skilled male workers; male unionist were often suspicious of and hostile toward women in the labor force, accusing them of taking men’s job and keeping low wages; and domestic obligation limited women’s freedom to attend union meetings” (citation pg. 658-659). This evidence represents that women during that time were facing many barriers of sexism, as many individuals; including men believe that a woman did not have a place in the workforce. Significantly to this day, women are still facing sexist remarks from individuals and organizations, which still hold

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