Women were able to show a different view on heath care and education, but also farming and the support they gave to agriculture and department of fisheries. Most women wanted to start taking control of these situations, and wanted to get involved. However they were still fighting for the ute most respect. Women in communities need to review how to build solidarity and get word to government. Women need to support to meet and communities processes to get ideas to government in a meaningful way. “Having more women elected would bring more diversity of experience to the decision-making table, increasing the potential for policy and programs that speak to women’s experience and lives. Key findings suggest that the main reason for women not wanting to run for public office is the perceived lack of work life balance for PEI …show more content…
Women offer a unique view point that men often times lack. Its been brought up multiple times that women can bring new perspective to politics on a number of issues such as - gender, religious, ethnic, or social (Olive Crane). In 2013 twenty-five percent of MP’s and twenty-two percent of MLA’s are women, these numbers have been approved upon considering recent years when the involvement of women was much less. However, these numbers are still considerably low, since the women of PEI makes up half the population, at least half of the members should be women (PEI Coalition). Having said this, the lack of women in PEI politics can be due to a number of