INTRODUCTION The First Nation people underwent lots of changes during the pre-contact to the fur-trading period and then again in the settlement period. The Prairies region in the western Canada consists of the provinces of Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba. The First Nation people who lived there consist of Kwakwaka’wakw, Tsimshian, Haida, Cree, Athapascans, Blackfoot, Metis etc. During the pre-contact period the lifestyles of the First Nations peoples underwent many changes such as adjusting to the harsh environment, maintaining their society status with significant wealth, development of cultural complexity and emerging with the European contact. Later during the fur-trading period, the relation between Aboriginals and Europeans were determined by the conflict between labour and capital, belief system, organizational structure and gender issues faced by them. During the settlement period, the First Nations people brought peace and stability by adapting to the Indian Act, which was first passed in 1876. This period also brought various challenges such as women’s struggle for equality, unsettled land and property rights and government policies. 1500 PRE-CONTACT PERIOD During the pre-contact period the First Nation people used language family to communicate which consists of different…
First Nations people in Canada comprised the different cultures the six geographical groups. The differences occurred in spiritual beliefs, food resources, and social organization. The first group, the woodlands first nations comprised of independent groups who possessed great courage and skills for hunting. The Iroquoians were excellent farmers and had permanent settlements that enabled them to have democratic systems of government. The Huron-Wendat based their leadership on councils that made…
The members of Canada’s First Nation’s community are suffering at the hands of our past government and justice system. Looking at the issue of the numerous missing women, high rates of suicide and drug abuse and currently the reconciliation issue of residential schools. The policing of persons belonging to the First Nation community in Canada are not fair nor equal compared to the policing of other Canadians such as Caucasians. “It’s (sic) could be a suicide, accidental, she got drunk and fell…
historically, First Nations youth in British Columbia and across Canada have suffered from significantly higher rates of suicide in comparison to non-First Nations youth (Kirmayer, Brass, & Holton, 2007). Epidemiological data has shown that increased rates of suicide among First Nations youth aged 10-19 years are particularly evident in certain rural British Columbia First Nations communities (BC Ministry of Health, 2007). A startling example of the this trend occurred in May 2012, when…
Canada must help alleviate problems faced by First Nations Greetings, classmates, teachers, fellow Canadians, We have gathered here to discuss how our society has caused many problems that Canada’s Natives face today, such as destroyed lives, endangered cultures and languages, unforeseeable economic future on reserves, and how it silently neglects and lets them struggle in those problems. Canadian history is a great example how we grow as a nation and learn valuable lessons from our previous…
This article seeks to claim the Canadian government hasn’t fulfilled its responsibilities about the First Nations education system and try to ignore their faults. The First Nations education is in crisis because it is poorly funded and cannot catch the provincial schools’ academic achievement. The federal government found this gap between the First Nations schools and the provincial schools but it doesn’t input the same level of financial support, instead, the federal government wants the First…
In 1831, the Government of Canada made it a practice to remove Aboriginal children from their culture and families in order to assimilate them into the dominant Canadian culture. Many of their fundamental freedoms were lost including the right to life, liberty, and security of person, the protection from discrimination, and the right of religion. This historical event is impossible to forget, which causes the bad ties between the First Nations and dominant Canada to remain after the last…
Through the progression of this course, various aspects of history were viewed, in addition to concepts that are still associated to the lives of Aboriginal peoples today. While carrying some previous, biased knowledge on the topics discussed, First Nations Studies allowed the development of many ideas as well as the differing perspectives on each. Via the use of assorted reading selections, tutorial discussions, guest speakers, lectures, and a variety of other forms, I was able to take away a…
This essay will argue that the first nations communities have been, and continue to be compromised because of the actions of the Canadian government. Firstly, the Broken promises of the treaties were destructive acts we have done to the first nations. Secondly, First nations were treated with disrespect and not like citizens. Lastly, First Nations are still hurting today because of the hurtful actions from the government. The Broken promises of the treaties were one of the destructive…
There is no question that the issues of First Nations weren't a direct result of the injustices that the Canadian government imposed on First Nations by implementing residential schools in an effort to eliminate their culture. In the eyes of the government, they weren't seen as equals and had no say in decisions often the result of misunderstanding the agreements that were signed. First Nation children were taken from their family homes and put into residential schools with the motivation to…