The Great Backlash was a surge in conservatism that arrived onto the national stage in response to the liberal environment of the 1960s. The backlash continues today and mobilizes voters with controversial social issues that are attached to pro-business economic policies, i.e. cultural anger is used to achieve economic gains. By focusing on issues like abortion, the Republican party can create financial benefits for the affluent -like tax cuts and union busting- because the single issue voters will accept anything that coincides with their dominant issue. Since there’s a strong rhetoric in the GOP that the elite, wealthy, and well connected are actually making the decisions and working against traditional social beliefs, working class voters…
Liberals and conservatives approach every topic or issue with completely different ways of thinking. They are both formed from different assumptions, and philosophies. Modern conservatives and modern liberals are described as center right and center left. While classical liberals with correlations to our views today would be considered far right economically but far left socially. This shift is inevitable and will always occur as society further develops. To better understand the difference…
Both George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush were conservative Republicans. There are three different types of conservatives: social, fiscal, and neo. Social conservatism is centered around traditional belief, philosophy in the face of social progression. Fiscal conservatism are the people who advocate the reduction of overall government spending, ensuring balanced budgets. neoconservatism largely believe in liberal democracy and are connected to American expansion and power. George W. Bush had…
In 1980 Republican candidate Ronald Reagan assumed the highest office in government, that of the presidency, defeating incumbent president Jimmy Carter in a decisive victory that saw him win in forty-four of the nation’s fifty states. Reagan secured 51% of the popular vote, and 489 electoral votes, making it abundantly clear that the populist New Right movement that propelled his ascension in politics would usher in a new age of conservatism for the troubled nation. Reagan’s victory in the…
I agree and relate with the conservatives more than I do with the liberals, but there are times where I agree with the philosophies the liberal party has. But for the most part, when it comes down to the ultimate decision of which party I would chose, I consider myself a Republican. There is a certain type of republicanism that I fall towards, and that would be Fiscal Conservatism, which is the economic philosophy of prudence in government spending and debt, arguing that a government does not…
and revenue for the next fiscal year, the need to have an accurate assessment within their own department is crucial. Furthermore, the grounds for developing an operating budget is necessary for knowing not only how many full-time employees a department will employ, but also their personnel and non-personnel for the next fiscal…
This article reports that in January 15, 2015, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) surprised the market by implementing expansionary monetary policy (EMP) and cut the interest rate, which reduces its “key repo rate by 25 basis points to 7.75 percent” to boost the economy. This is because the persistent decline in crude oil prices leads to lower demand in oil. Consequently, countries only gain low profit from selling oil, which the level of gross domestic product (GDP) result in a dramatic decline.…
The United States Army’s Strategic Planning Guidance of 2014 lists five strategic priorities. These are, adaptive Army leaders for a complex world, a globally responsive and regionally engaged Army, a ready and modern Army, Soldiers committed to the Army profession, and the premier all-volunteer Army. In order to support the outlined objectives of the strategy, the Army Chief of Staff, General Mark A. Milley’s top priority is readiness, which includes personnel and staffing the force. Due to…
Conservative vs. Liberal In the news today, we always hear about how one political side thinks that a law or event should be interpreted in one way, while the other side displays what appears to be a completely contradictory viewpoint. Since the United States became a country, the laws and amendments that the founding fathers wrote in the constitution are very much open to personal interpretation. These two political sides are known as Liberals and Conservatives. Interestingly, although the…
Priestley's Socialist Ideas in An Inspector Calls 'An Inspector Calls' is, in many ways, a vehicle used by Priestley to spread and promote his socialist views. By utilising the characters' various dispositions and juxtaposing them against one and other, he highlights his message and creates a powerful dramatic piece. By employing such techniques as dramatic irony, hindsight and a clever setting, Priestley sends his eye-opening message and keeps both reader and…