fire and in some cases divided artist and made them chose sides. One could say that it was male egos getting the best of them, and some might agree, but woman are also getting involved in disagreements over the change in country music over the years. Woman in the music industry have not always been able to express their opinions freely, not matter what genre was in question. Naomi Judd who was popular back in the eighties, nighty’s, and really early two-thousands, had some things to say. At the CMT (Country Music Television) awards, they did a twenty-six second tribute to the late George Jones, who had just passed away previously in April. Naomi Judd said: “George Jones is to country music what The Beatles are to pop, the Rolling Stones to rock, Elvis to rockabilly, Mozart to classical and Aretha to soul. Yet, the ‘Country’ Music Television awards show allowed only a “by the way” mention of Jones’ death and legacy. Incongruously, they chose alternative music group the Mavericks to perform their short version of George’s ‘The Race Is On.”. (Smith, 2013). Over the year’s country music has changed so much over the years and with that so has the fan base. Country music has gained followers and fans, but aver also lost some that want to stick with the more traditional style. What do you think? Would you have stuck it out or would you have stayed with the rational side of it?…
When looking into the daily lives of individuals, it is essential to understand what people found entertaining in an era that is very different then present day. As stated in the diary of George Stephen Jones there are multiple examples of activities people did for fun. The first activity that is seen in the diary as something young people did for fun was played cards. “After tea several Gentlemen came to play cards with Mr. Tanswell and Mrs. Tanswell” (48). For young people playing cards can be…
General George Washington and Captain John Paul Jones, both have similarities and differences. I read two stories about Captain John Paul Jones and one about General George Washington. In them, they had some similarities and some differences. Here are some differences and some similarities between General George Washington and Captain John Paul Jones. Here are some differences that General George Washington doesn’t have in common with Captain John Paul Jones. First, General George Washington…
I have always been a K9 lover. It never fails to amaze me how ordinary people trade in dogs for these hissing, stubborn, self-centered felines we call cats. Dogs embody characteristics that we wish all humans could possess: unconditional love, joy, unabashed love of life, and never being one to rush to judgment. Dogs have a way of finding the people who need them, filling an emptiness we don 't even know we have. Ryder is my good boy. Ryder is an Australian Shepherd, who has coloring the same…
Thanksgiving 2014, my family from both sides gathered around the dining table at my nonnas house. Rachel my eldest sister stands up and slightly and safely taps her fork against the fine crystal glass. We all look up standing around the table built for 20. Huff her husband holds rachel 's hands as my niece and nephew both of her of 5 years had huge grins upon their small faces. ¨My family, i 'm so glad we could be together on this joyous holiday-¨ she continues with a tear. ¨ i would like to…
It all started one morning I was getting up and going in the kitchen to get coffee. I heard a silent groan and I got scared. I went and checked what it was and I saw a man who looked like he got burnt. So I slowly went back in my room and woke up my husband Junior. When I woke him up he was confused on why I was so scared. That’s when he sat up and asked me what happened. I froze in a dead because I was too scared. Then I started stuttering because I was trying to explain it. “I I I saw a guy…
In Raiders of the Lost Ark by George Lucas and Philip Kaufman, we see how the story is an example of an Epic. We see how brave and wise Indiana Jones is when he figures out how to get out of situations and how he figures out different ancient articles. Even when he travels around the world like to South America and Nepal and also Cairo. Also how he has superhuman abilities such as punching people out of cars and sliding under cars without getting hurt. There also is a lot of supernatural things…
In Raiders of the Lost Ark by George Lucas and Philip Kaufman, we see how the story is an example of an Epic. We see how brave and wise Indiana Jones is when he figures out how to get out of situations and how he figures out different ancient articles. Even when he travels around the world like to South America and Nepal and also Cairo. Also ,how he has superhuman abilities such as punching people out of cars and sliding under cars without getting hurt. There also is a lot of supernatural things…
In Raiders of the Lost Ark by George Lucas and Philip Kaufman, we see how the story is an example of an Epic. We see how brave and wise Indiana Jones is when he figures out how to get out of situations and how he figures out different ancient articles. Even when he travels around the world like to South America and Nepal and also Cairo. Also ,how he has superhuman abilities such as punching people out of cars and sliding under cars without getting hurt. There also is a lot of supernatural things…
The book "1984" was a perfect example of how a group of "chosen" disguise their Dystopian society, behind the facade of an Utopian ideas. Everyone was brainwashed into thinking absolutely nothing was wrong. In the case of "Jonestown cult", the followers had nowhere else to go and thought the cult was the best they could do. Utopian ideas was used by Jim Jones to lure his followers and used them for his own Dystopian world. It is a common theme that can be found throughout many Utopian stories. …