Have you ever seen those cute, furry little calves that have appeared all over social media? Well if you have, then it was probably a Highland calf. The Highland Cattle Breed is unique due to its unusually long fur. There is also a miniature version of this special breed, which are about 43 inches tall. Highland cattle originated from Scotland and the West Isles, but some believe that vikings brought them to Scotland from Scandinavia. These cattle can handle harsh weather conditions, and are excellent grazers. They are also very calm and gentle despite their horns. They produce very tender and flavorful meat, and their milk is full of butterfat, making it exceptionally rich in natural fats. Highland cattle have double layer of fur that…
the benefits of protecting wild horses as a symbol of the independence of the American West – they must also weigh the costs and other repercussions of such action. Then the public administrators have to make a decision on how to improve the program performance. As a tool to measure costs and benefits of BLM’s Wild Horse and Burro Program Team C decided to use the following decision-making analytical technique: In our opinion, BLM’s…
H. Lawrence incorporates debt on account of gambling. The novel starts out with a young mother telling her son what luck is. She explained that luck was the ability to be successful or not. This intrigued the child and he decided that he wanted to find luck. He imagined that he was riding off to luck on his rocking horse. Turns out he does. When he rides the horse, the young boy somehow sees the answer to the horse race. This allows him to bid as much as he can, making thousands. However, the…
as the worn leather creaked slightly as I situated myself on Buttons my mare. The leather felt cool to the touch and the warm Colorado sun shone out of a clean slate of blue that brought out the comforting smell of horse and leather. I breathed in deeply and caught the piney scent of the sage brush which quickly turned to dust in my nose as the horses in the corral churned up the dry, dusty dirt of the mountains. I rode past the weathered wooden barn with the rows of stalls on either side. They…
to be feed and some needed to be worked. I grew up always being on the top of a horse. If there was time to rest it was done riding on a horse. It was quit when on the horses no noise except the wind rustling the grass on the mountain top. I was always told if I wanted it I had to work for it. When I was six years old my life became different. My father left to be in the Army and we had to sell all the animals. I had grown up with horse, so not having horse out my front door was a new…
stated that it is formulated to provide optimum muscular health. Helps to keep your horse at peak condition for competitions. When researching the class of horse that the supplement should be given to, the front label on the container read, “For all classes of horses.” Once you look more into the supplement it states, “Appropriate for horses exerting severe physical effort.” (Farnam) Growing up we used Vita- Min E & Selenium in our racehorse diets but we never used it in our non-working horses.…
Lovewell, the plaintiff horse owner left a filly with the defendant horse farm owners. On Saturday, the defendant called a veterinary clinic because the filly was sick. A veterinarian came and instructed the defendants to administer medication to the filly, however, a dispute existed as to the instructions given, and the defendants gave no medicine to the filly on Sunday. The following afternoon, the defendants called the clinic because the filly’s condition worsened. Another veterinarian told…
Assessing the body condition score (BCS) of a horse is needed in order to evaluate the physical health of the horse. The ideal BCS of many horses is between a 5 and 6, while a thoroughbred in the racing industry has an ideal BCS of a 4. While the BCS of a horse is a good way to determine the overall body condition of a horse, it does not tell whether or not the horse is getting the required nutrients in the appropriate amounts. The required nutrients can be calculated into the horse’s diet based…
Compare and contrast ‘A Fly in the Ointment’ and the ‘Son’s Veto’ ‘A Fly in the Ointment’ and ‘Sons Veto’ is narrative stories that show two different dysfunctional relationships between parents and their children. Both narratives work against traditional expectations of family relationship and therefore make quite uncomfortable reading. The family’s are contrast in so many way like in the “Sons Veto” the family enjoys financial stability but education and clag´s prove to be obstacle that…
A Girl and Her Horse For over five-hundred years, man and horse have been walking side by side and working together. They have become friends and partners by developing a special relationship like no other. In the unnamed photograph of a teenage girl with her horse, the viewer can interpret the trust between a girl and her horse, clearly see they both are relaxing together, and notice it looks like the photo was taken on a warm, sunny summer day. Trust is an important quality in all…