If it is a light and liquid/thin oil than it will have a warming effect on the body. From a physiological point of view, this is primarily due to the nature of Sterols in the cell membranes which close off the cell to the outside world (hard,heavy, solid oils). Essential Fatty Acids (EFA’s) open the cell membrane up to the outside world around it (in the case of soft, light, liquid oils). Those foods which contain these types of oils often have similar effect on the body . Energetics are also effected by quantity. In general lots of oil is hotter, less oil is cooler. In the same way, lots of quantity is heavier, and less quantity is lighter. A large quantity of a light food can be considered heavy. To balance Wind: Moderate seeds/nuts, Molasses, Asparagus, beets, broccoli,corn, carrots, fennel, Green beans, leeks, onions, peas, radish, red cabbage, seaweed, sweet potatoes, turnip, yam, zucchini. Less sex(if applicable) and get sound and regular sleep. DO NOT TALK TOO MUCH, AVOID COLD and dry environment…
staple food sources will still be affordable but will also give the needed nutrients to promote healthy growth and development for those living in poverty. 2. New Researches 2.1. Essential Fatty Acid Produced by Engineered Wheat Indisputably, wheat is one of the most outstanding food that provides humans with required saccharides and proteins. Wheat, specifically Triticum aestivum L. species although it contains some essential components such as linolenic acid, it cannot produce either…
build up in body arteries, blocking the blood flow. • Visceral Fat is fat around organs. Its function is to insulate and protect organs. • Subcutaneous Fat is under the skin. This fat protects and insulate our body. Fat (visceral and subcutaneous) stores energy. • Omega-3 fatty acids have the first double bond on the third carbon counting from the carbon in the methyl end. These are essential fatty acids (our body can’t produce them). Alpha-linolenic is an example of omega-3 fatty acid. •…
Trans-fatty acids form during the process of hydrogenation. Once polyunsaturated oils are hardened by hydrogenation, some of the unsaturated fatty acids end up altering their shapes rather than becoming saturated. As a result, this alteration in chemical structure creates trans unsaturated fatty acids that are similar in shape to saturated fatty acids. These changed fatty acids, or trans fatty acids, have an effect on the body’s health. Some foods that contain trans-fat include fried foods,…
Saturated fats are triglycerides, consisting of three saturated fatty acids bound to a glycerol molecule. These fatty acids have only single bonds between carbon atoms and they are saturated with hydrogen atoms. Each fatty acid has linear shape, allowing for saturated fat molecules to be packed tightly. Saturated fats are solid at room temperature. Examples of saturated fats are butter, beef fat, palm oil and coconut oil. Butter actually contains a lot of unsaturated fatty acids such as oleic,…
Triglycerides are made of three molecules of fatty acid molecules and a glycerol molecule and its catabolism follows two pathways to generate ATP. The four molecules are separated by a hydrolysis degradation reaction. The three fatty acid molecules enter a pathway that consists of Beta oxidation, Citric Acid Cycle, and electron transport chain. The substrate involved in Beta Oxidation include the three fatty acid molecules, coenzyme A, NAD, FAD, and ATP. The Beta Oxidation process involves…
Dietary fats are a source of energy and are essential for growth and regulation of body functions2. They are sources of vitamins (A, D, E and K) and essential fatty acids (EFA)2. EFA are required by the body for cell growth and nourishment, brain development, regulation of water loss by the skin, blood pressure regulation and for the development of placenta and mammary glands in pregnant women3.…
Role of Omega 3 fatty acid for cardiovascular diseases is well known. Contains good fatty acid Role of fatty acids in preventing heart disease is well known. Omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids are much are well-recognized polyunsaturated fatty acids which help in lowering cholesterol. Chia seeds have high concentration omega 3 and omega 6 fats which are making it so popular. Omega 3 plays a vital role in maintaining our health, helps in reducing cholesterol anti-inflammatory, keeps our joints…
It’s a substance made within the body that helps turn fat into energy. It is made in the liver and kidneys and stored in the skeletal muscles, brain, sperm, and heart. Carnitine has been prescribed to many patients in treatments for heart conditions, peripheral vascular disease and many others for its role as an antioxidant. For improving exercise performance, carnitine supplements have been proven to aid through enhancing muscle fatty acid oxidation and acylcarnitine production, altering…
glass of coconut milk along with other antioxidant-rich foods may boost the immunity and rebuild the damaged cells of the body. Oxidative stress is associated with increased risk of diseases. Being rich in antioxidants, coconut milk scavenges the free radicals, breaks their chain reaction and suppresses oxidative stress. It prevents free radical damage and protects the healthy cells of the body against destruction and death. Studies also suggest that the antioxidant content of coconut milk is…