British Petroleum(BP) was initially registered as Anglo-Iranian Oil Company Limited. It was founded in 1909 by William Knox D’Arcy an English who discovered oil in Iran. The company was state owned by Britain until 1970 it was privatized under the era of Margaret Thatcher. The company has been struggling and a posted loss of $811 million until it repositioned the company in 2001. The company wanted to be the leader of an environmentally friendly oil company and had associated themselves with the green color. Deep Horizon BP acquired the rights of Macondo Prospect , 5000 feet below sea level oil well in the Gulf of Mexico from US Mineral Management Services in 2009. (SUBSEAIQ, 2012).BP ‘s exploration was interrupted by Hurricane Ida so it leased Transocean's Deep Horizon platform. However, BP’s safety audit revealed 390 repair issue that required to be fixed immediately with 3500 hours of labor to be rectified (Robbie Brown, 2010). To make matter worst, the vessel had not been a dry dock for the past 9 years and had been working continuously during an audit from September 2009 to April 2010. (Michael Williams, 2010). In spite of that, it went on to lease the rig. To make matter worst, it is cutting corners on safety processes when sealing the well. As a result, the semi-submersible rig exploded and submerged along with it took the lives of 11 crew members while 17 sustained injuries. (76) Not to mention the extensive oil spill affected the wildlife. It also changed the…
Business Level Strategy (Exxon Mobil) Definition :( Business Level Strategy) “Business- Level strategies are actions firms take to gain competitive advantages in a single market or industry”. (BLS, 102).ExxonMobil is one the few companies that has been able to lead the oil and gas industry through its cost leadership. Its large economies of scale makes it dominant firm in the market as well as cost leader in the industry. The powerful market position across the value chain allows the company…
External & internal environment There are two types of environment of the marketing the external & internal environments. The external environment is involved of those variables which are the natural environment, societal environment and task environment. The societal environment includes general forces that do not directly touch on the short run activities of the organization but can influence its long –term these forces are the : economic forces , technological forces , political –legal…
UNIT 1: BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT ASSIGNMENT 1: COMPARING TWO DIFFERENT ORGANISATIONS Task 1 – Purpose (P1) Organization 1 Profit-making organization: Exxon Mobil ExxonMobil is the world's largest publicly traded international oil and gas company. The organization uses technology and innovation to help meet the world’s growing energy needs. It operates globally and within the private sector of the economy and is often referred to as a ‘Private Empire’. Exxon Mobil holds an industry-leading…
Esso began life as the Anglo American Oil Company in 1888. It was the first foreign affiliate of John D Rockefeller's US company the Standard Oil Trust. It had a head office at Bishopsgate, London, and a depot at Purfleet in Essex. The depot stored paraffin being shipped from New York for use in lamps throughout England. In 1911, the US Supreme Court ordered the dissolution of the Standard Oil Trust, resulting in the spin-off of 33 companies, one of which - Standard Oil (New Jersey) - acquired…
Thus, it was clear that the defendant had the intention of defrauding the clients by selling them fake items. Esso Petroleum v Mardon [1976] QB 801 is also another case that was decided on the ground of negligence. The defendant had the capacity to appropriately advice the plaintiff on the capacity of throughout gallons of oil but induced the plaintiff to sign a contract that later led to losses. Thus, the defendant negligently failed to provide enough information to the other party before…
If the agreement was for a closer geographic area to where he was currently working with Minger Ltd then they may be able to restrict what work he could do if it could be proven damaging to their business. In Esso v Harpes Garage [1967] case “an exclusive dealership contract was deemed to be unreasonable as it lasted for 21yrs, although 5yrs was found to be ok in” Continental Oil v Moynihan [1973] . In the case of Pat, one could argue that the duration of restraint of trade may have been too…
Life v Evett and Esso v Marden are two cases which conflict on the requirements of a relationship between parties for a duty of care to be owed. In the Australian case of Mutual link v Evett, the plaintiff was a policy holder in a company called mutual life. The plaintiff asked mutual life for information about an associated company. The policy holder wanted to invest in this company. Mutual Life gratuitously gave negligent information about the financial state of the particular company. The…
The UK and Australia, two common law systems both seem to have different approaches with regards to confidentiality and misconduct of arbitrators in international arbitration. Arbitration compared to litigation has proven to be a preferred means in resolving commercial disputes because of its privacy and confidentiality. This is a principle which is widely recognized, however, different jurisdictions like that of Australia and England have different approaches to confidentiality. This is…
passed away. So, Mrs Todd quit her job and brought her daughter to Australia. Later, an argument raised between them and Mrs Nicol asked the Todds to leave the house. The issue is whether Todds established essential intention to be legally bound. The decision of court is that the presumption was rebutted as the Todds only moved to Australia in reliance of Mrs Nicol’s promise, and they would suffer certain consequences if the promise was not implemented. When the parties are in commercial…