Emotional labor affects employees everyday. It especially affects employees that work in retail sales or wait on tables at a restaurant. Employees are expected to project a friendly demeanor and smile. Most of the time employees fake this. Emotional labor is a situation in which an employee expresses organizationally desired emotions during interpersonal transactions at work. Every job has a different emotional labor that is expected of them. Flight attendants should be happy while funeral directors should be sad and doctors emotionally neutral. Emotional labor can become taxing when you are expected to act a certain way but feel another way. This can lead to emotional exhaustion and burnout. Emotional labor creates problems for employees and coworkers. There can be people whom they work with that they do not like. Employees have to interact with these people on a regular basis, so they are forced to be friendly. Employees have actual emotions, which are called felt emotions. Displayed emotions are those that the organization requires workers to show and considers appropriate in a given job. Displayed emotions are the hardest for employees. Displaying fake emotions…
The Human Cost of Emotional and Physical Labor and The Impact on Workers The relationship between labor, humans, and alienation is a complex one. Typically, labor is viewed as a physical action, such as typical tasks one may engage in during the work day. However, along with physical labor is the conjunction of emotional labor. This is the inducement or suppressant of emotions and feelings in order to sustain a positive…
al. hypothesized that positive emotions can be transmitted to the employee’s partner and that positive vigor and dedication are positively related to happiness. This study is one of the only to explore happiness in regards to translation to a partner with association to work. In empirical terms, the study aimed to explore if daily work events and the attitude influenced by those events are carried home in the form of happiness. Their results concluded that the “positive effects of work…
organisation, from front-row workers to senior management team (Huczynski and Buchanan, 2013). Every single employee disguises one’s actual feelings and emotions and display false ones (Huczynski and Buchanan, 2013). Therefore certain issues need to be addressed: how are those emotions are controlled within an organisation? Who exercises this control? What is emotional labour and what it involves? How does it affect employees? In order to answer these questions, various academic sources were…
Introduction: Emotions at work have attracted a fair amount of attention from scientist and practitioners over the past decades. One of the topics is emotional labour which was introduced by Hochschild (1983). The concept of emotional labour has many aspects to it such as surface acting, deep acting, intensity of emotional display, the duration of emotional display, range of emotional display, automatic emotion regulation and many more. Their effects on an employee’s work satisfaction, their…
The topic of emotional labour was largely unexplored when Arlie R. Hochschild introduced the term in The Managed Heart, published in 1983. Her book is probably the most quoted work with regards to service work and emotional labour. Since then her work has been used widely in fields from psychology, organizational behaviour, law, nursing, business and public administration to the social sciences in general and sociology in particular. This introduction is to briefly review Hochschild’s ideas.…
The concept is summed up this way “Every employee expends physical and mental labor when they put their bodies and cognitive capabilities, respectively, into their job. But jobs also require emotional labor. Emotional labor is an employee’s expression of organizationally desired emotions during interpersonal transactions at work.” (Robbins, S. & Judge, T. 260). While some of my past jobs have simply required that I get along with coworkers, I have also held positions with county senior…
Emotional Labor and Crisis Response is relevant to the topic of emergency management. The author does an excellent job in describing real-life situations and how they play role in an emergency manager’s job. With the job of an emergency manager you will face obstacles and you need to learn to not avoid them but rather conquer them. Whether it is from seeing a man dying before your eyes, knowing there is nothing you can do, but giving him hope, or to a detective who is at the scene of a murder a…
article examined in the paper is “Linking Emotional Dissonance and Service Climate to Well-Being at Work: A Cross-Level Analysis.” As described in the title, this article examines the use of emotional dissonance and service climate as independent variables in predicting well-being at work. The research was performed because employee well-being continues to be a topic of social interest as the service sector is the largest in total jobs in the United States and Europe (Bureau of Labour…
emotion labor, emotion work, emotion management, and feeling rules. In Emotional Labor, workers have a duty to perform like actors and display their staged performance. Emotional Labor can be defined and viewed as a staged performance on the grounds of the workplace. The acts of emotional labor are supposed to be viewed as something…