Whether the feedback on a particular subject is positive or negative, the politician is able to know what voters think. Social media allows them to know how the public is responding to an issue and how they can adjust to appeal more to people. On September 17, 2015 Green Party leader Elizabeth May was left out of the election debate, because of social media she was still able to participate. She posted her rebuttals on Twitter during the debate in order to get her ideas across and get feedback; because of this she gained more attention than the leaders in the debate. Mayer wrote for CBC News, “By tweeting her rebuttals and policy statements, May effectively broadened the scope of the debate. She also garnered more Twitter mentions than any of the other leaders” (Mayer). Social media was able to help Elizabeth May; even though she was excluded from the debates she was able to express her ideas. She was able to get feedback from people that were interested in debate, and gained three thousand nine hundred new followers because of her tweets. (Shulman) Social media was able to help many candidates get elected and show their position on issues. Social media aided not only presidential candidates, but other political leaders by letting them have direct contact with voters, providing free…
misty may treanor? Misty Elizabeth May-Treanor is 5ft 9 inches retired American professional beach volleyball player. She is a three-time Olympic gold medalist, and as of August 2012, the most successful female beach volleyball player with 112 individual championship wins in domestic and international competition is her. Early life She was born july 30,1997, Angels , California,U.S . She grew up playing beach volleyball at Santa Monica pier With her parents.And her and her father teamed up…
I believe that they may have used heavy panning to make the song sound as though a large orchestra and choir are performing it. Some examples of where they have used panning are: - Harmonies in the opening section are panned on both sides. - On the vocals (0:36) the line “little high, little low” is panned fully left first and then fully right. - In the opera section (beginning at 3:02) there are many examples of use of the stereo field including “Thunderbolts and lightning” and…
Mayo. These women focused their attention on finding their missing grandchildren who were either kidnapped with their parents or were born while their mothers were imprisoned and then given to “proper” families. Kidnapping was one offense that did not fall under the Due Obedience and Full Stop Laws and therefore allowed groups to pursue legal action against those who played a role in the kidnapping the stolen infants. Those who participated in the kidnapping were indubitably involved in other…
The use of chromatic side- slipping when the words “easy come, easy go” are sang, gives emphasis to the dream like tone. A piano and bass guitar beginning to play marks the transition from the introduction to the ballad. After a few seconds the vocals enter and start singing in a softly sung manor. After mercury sings a couple lines starting with “mama”; his voice progressively turns from soft to extremely passionate. At the same time, there is a modulation to a new key as the drums come in.…
In 1983, 32 years old Lionel Richie released his second album called Can’t Slow Down. Consisting with 8 songs, the album was top of the list in several different countries. The most notorious song, “All Night Long”, hit billboard charts for several months in America and places second in the U.K. The genre of this is song is ’80 pop music. Since I was a child, this was my favorite song. I wasn’t into ’80 pop music, however this particular song was an eye opener. The first time I ever heard this…
The Mothers of the Plaza De Mayo were direct victims of oppression. They were not only obvious victims of violence, but also victims of gender exploitation, powerlessness, and cultural imperialism as described by social justice theorist Iris Young. After reading Marguerite Bouvards “Taking space: Women and Political Power,” I have concluded that powerlessness can in fact be overcome, civil disobedience can work to bring awareness to grievances, and a three part strategy, as outlined by David…
If vocal transparency alone can determine whether or not someone is the greatest singer of all time, then Freddie Mercury wins again. If one listens to Robert Plant sing “Custard Pie”, one may be lucky to pick up two out of every five words that are sung, but when you listen to Freddie Mercury sing one can clearly hear every word that is sung. Let us not forget that every band has at least one song where you cant clearly hear what is being sung, but no one has ever had the problem of…
May Sarton wrote a poem about AIDS and how having this disease can affect our lives and a loved one’s life. With this disease it sets limits on not only you but of others. She not only portrays it in a negative context but also creates an image of how we can open up to others. AIDS is a disease that not only brings out the fear in people but those who they encounter. AIDS has been out since the 1980 but people still see it as something new. Sarton’s poem repeats words, and emphasize on AIDS.…
injured. People were afraid to get medical help because they could get arrested, causing many other deaths (Soucek 54). No one really knows who threw the bomb, but one theory is that the Pinkerton agents, who were hired by McCormick Harvesting Plant to break up protests, had thrown the bomb to control protesting workers and to discredit the labor movement as only wanting to hurt people. Governor Altgeld said at the trial “the bomb was, in all probability, thrown by someone seeking personal…