On August 4, 1892, Andrew Borden and Abby Borden were murdered -the murder weapon was believed to be an ax- in Fall River Massachusetts. However, aside from the deaths, there were no signs of disturbance in the house, as well as the murder weapon was nowhere to be found (Robertson, 1996). After investigating suspects outside of the immediate family, the attention had shifted to Lizzie Borden, the daughter of Andrew Borden, and Bridget Sullivan, the family’s domestic. However, attention soon shifted to Lizzie after she gave an alibi for Bridget. Although there is speculation about whether or not Lizzie Borden is the one who committed the murder, a possible motivation/psychological idea is nature vs. nurture. Nature vs. nurture is typically…
In the small town of Fall River, Massachusetts, Abby and Andrew Borden were brutally murdered in their own home. This incident became known as the Fall River Murders. It is one of the most mysterious murder cases in American History. Through all the investigations and proceedings, no one has been able to explain who had done it or why they did it. The assassinations, investigations, and trials have been thoroughly looked at for any missing evidence of the Fall River Murders. A few days…
Kathryn Allamong Jacob’s article “She Couldn’t Have Done It, Even If She Did” revolves around the murder mystery of Lizzie Borden. Lizzie Borden was an Upper-class woman who lived in the Industrial Era of the late 1800’s. Lizzie Borden was accused of Brutally murdering her father and stepmother, but was later deemed innocent on account of the jury. From the start, Jacob’s made her stance of Borden’s evident guilt very clear. The murder is centered in an era that dealt with gender discrimination.…
The question of what might trigger a person to commit a murder has been an ongoing investigation for centuries. The idea of killing another person, let alone one’s own parents is, to most people, baffling and horrifying. Lizzie, in Sharon Pollock’s play, Blood Relations, is a curious character that murders both her parents using a hatchet. Based on the 1982 event in Massachusetts, Pollock creates her own account of the Lizzie Borden murder, but still remains true to historical details. A number…
On July 19, 1860, Lizzie Borden was accused of the double murder of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Borden. I believe she was guilty of this charges for multiple reasons. She claimed that at the time of the murders she was in the barn looking for fishing equipment that they didn’t even have and wouldn’t need until next week. The idea of doing this came to her randomly for no apparent reason as she was ironing some clothes. When she was asked to get the dress she had worn the day of the murders as…
The Secrets of a Massachusetts Woman In 2015 the state of Massachusetts recorded an annual average of 100,900 murders. Out of all the murders that have happened in the state, the most infamous crime are the Borden murders. It is obvious that the vile murders were committed by Lizzie Borden yet, a weak prosecution, a lack of evidence, and the sexism of the 1800’s she got away with murder. To comprehend the reason why Lizzie killed her parents we need to study her family history. In detail,…
On august 4th 1892 a murder occurred someone killed lizzie borden's parents. That day people believed that lizzie borden murdered her parents. I believe Lizzie borden is guilty she murdered her parents. She did not have a good relationship with her mom. The day before she wanted to purchase a poison, prussic acid. The other reasons are she said at the time of the murder for her father she was at the loft. All in all i think she is guilty for many reasons because they have a lot of evidence on…
I don’t think that Lizzie Borden murdered her father and stepmother because she’s not brave enough and her family was really good people. The family attended the Congregationalist church an institution in which Lizzie was particularly involved. Lizzies father Andrew and his wife had a normal life and they went to work every day and came back home did the same thing every morning. The family seems like they are good and are innocent people Lizzie didn’t do it cause she would be scared. Abby and…
Witness/Narrative: Lizzie Borden “Lizzie Borden took an axe and gave her mother 40 whacks, when she saw what she had done she gave her father 41.” Technically it only took 29 whacks, but oh well! Hello there, I’m Lizzie Borden and I’m gonna tell you the story of how I was accused of murdering my parents. Let's start from the beginning! My mom died when I was young and my father remarried. I didn’t get along the best with my step mother nor did my sister, Emma. My father's remarriage to my step…
The Famous Murder Trial’s Killer Discovered Lizzie Borden’s trial was one of the mysterious and famous murder trials in 1900’s. This murder trial took place in the Borden’s house on 4th of August, 1892 in the city called Fall River, Massachusetts. The Borden’s house incorporated Andrew Borden and his second wife, Abby, his two daughters Lizzie and Emma, and a housemaid Bridget Sullivan. However, the main suspect was revealed to be Lizzie Borden in the trial; therefore, she was arrested for her…