Before the start of the Dirty War in 1976, Argentina was undergoing huge amounts of political instability. Governments were being overthrown, leader’s assassinated, and left-wing right-wing guerilla groups were utilizing terrorism and strikes against the government and one another. After many changes in leadership, Isabel Peron, wife of the assassinated Juan Peron leader of the Peronist, was ousted by a coup led by a military junta. Lieutenant General Jorge Rafaél Videla assumed the role of president of the military dictatorship and quickly “imposed censorship, banned trade unions, and brought state and municipal government under military control” (Britannica). In addition, Videla’s regime began what they called a war on subversion, employing…
The "Dirty War" (Spanish: Guerra Sucia), also known as the Process of National Reorganization (Spanish: Proceso de Reorganización Nacional or El Proceso), was the name used by the Argentine Military Government for a period of state terrorism in Argentina[1] from roughly 1974[2][3] to 1983 (some sources date the beginning to 1969), during which military and security forces and right-wing death squads in the form of the Argentine Anticommunist Alliance (Triple A)[4][5] hunted down and killed…
This story takes place during a time in history referred to as “The Dirty Wars.” The Dirty Wars took place when Isabel Peron was removed from office and replaced with Lieutenant General Jorge Rafael Videla sometime in the 70’s. just to give a quick synopsis these wars pretty much occurred, because there were certain political rules that Lieutenant General Jorge Rafael Videla set for this country, but of course as with any government there are people who aren’t always in agreeance with this. He…
Association of the Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo In 1976, a civil war broke out in Argentina. In this so-called “Dirty War” period, military government took many lives and made many violations of human rights. Warring sides were the left wing supporters of reform and the Argentine Army backed by the right wing. The ultimate goal of the Dirty War was to force people to preserve a conservative national identity and patriarchal ideology. The war lasted until 1983 (Koepsel Rachel 2). During the…
The Mothers and Memory In 1977 just after the Argentine “Dirty War” began terrorizing the nation, a courageous and determined group of mothers took to the streets to protest the disappearances of their sons and daughters. These women, known as the Madres de Plaza de Mayo, became a powerful source of resistance to the Process of National Reorganization commissioned by the military junta which controlled Argentina between 1976 and 1983. In these seven years, it is estimated that roughly 30,000…
Within the article Children of the Dirty War by Francisco Goldman, many themes are presented relating to the Argentinian Dirty Wars. One theme presented within the article was the idea of how to address the atrocities that occurred during the Dirty Wars. Within the article, there is mention of how President Raúl Alfosín created the Truth Commission, Nunca Más, in 1985 in an unprecedented move to address the past crimes by the military government (Citation 13). Though the Truth Commission was…
Even though guerillas were losing more and more people to the Dirty War, this did not stop the military from continuing their pursuit of every potential subversive. As time went on, accusations of human rights violations began to pile up and the government quickly began to act as if they were in favor of human rights regulations. They tried to promote the welfare of the indigenous people of Argentina to fool the United Nations. At this point in the war, the military was battling a fake enemy,…
The Radiological Dispersion Device A Radiological Dispersion Device (RDD) is a combination of conventional explosives (dynamite) and radioactive components (The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 2014). A RDD is any device that causes the resolute diffusion of radioactive material without a nuclear detonation (REMM, 2016).Terrorist who have utilized RDDs have labeled them as dirty bombs (Ready, 2016). However, the United States military recognizes RDDs as Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs)…
Pat Frank’s Alas, Babylon has more meaning than just a title of a random book. Randy and Mark Bragg, brothers, knew a nuclear war was coming but did not want anyone to know about it. Mark lived in Omaha while Randy lived in Florida. They would communicate back and forth to each other, via telephone or telegram, and “Alas Babylon” was their codename (Frank 14). Codename was a warning for a nuclear war was coming and if it were to spread to the family, they would all freak out. Alas, Babylon had…
September 18, 2016 at 6:30pm, I had the privilege of attending Dirty Dancing, the classic story on stage written by Eleanor Bergstein at the Memphis, Tennessee Orpheum. Bergstein is an American writer who wrote and co-produced the popular film Dirty Dancing back in the 80’s. She wrote the story based partly off her own childhood. James Powell was the director, Trinity Wheeler was the producer, and Michele Lynch was the choreographer for this musical. With this being a musical there were many…