Communication satellites, used for relaying anything from telephone signals, radio, and television signals, have been orbiting Earth since the first in 1962. Currently, there are more than 1,100 publically and privately owned active communication satellites in orbit with more than 2,600 inactive ones causing a significant amount of space debris. Importantly, communication satellites provide our security and our entertainment. At a high altitude of nearly 36,000km from Earth, the geosynchronous orbit (GEO) is an ideal location for communication satellites that have a requirement to be over the same position of Earth. This “sweet spot” above Earth takes one full day to complete an orbit and is ideal for ground-based antennas that are stationary. Should the satellite be positioned at a zero degree incline, it would be in a geostationary orbit and lie on the equator.…
great learning of both terrestrial communication systems and satellite communication systems. I have taken some major courses to empower me have the significant essential information to have the capacity to take a shot at this proposed research thesis. Find attached my CV for more information. 1. Introduction 1.1 What is been proposed Communication systems is of upmost importance to the Military today. Without communication relevant information would not be pass across, proper…
launched a small sphere of aluminum-magnesium-titanium alloy into space. The Soviets called it Sputnik, which is a Russian word for “Fellow Traveler” (Regan, 2002). This would go down as what we now consider the birth of satellite technology. It was an important time in human history looking back. Sputnik sparked the space race into full swing. The main two countries that participated in the space race were the Soviet Union and the United States. Mainly due to the fact that they had the biggest…
Cellular networks are a type of wireless WAN. Various technologies are utilized in cellular networks but there are only three basic modes of signal communications. These are simplex, half duplex and full duplex. In simplex transmissions the signal goes in only one direction and this type is usually seen in television and radio stations. Half duplex signaling is bi-directional but each signal has to wait its turn because only one can travel at a time. Examples of half duplex are the…
The design for a satellite to photograph the surface of the earth requires a list of desired features, prioritized from most to least importance, and balanced against the physics of nature’s various waves. To photograph natural and man-made objects on the earth’s surface, the camera must be in the proper location, contain ample power to operate all systems, contain sufficient image resolution to capture the target area, and have the ability to transmit the digital images quickly and reliably to…
while in orbit; unfortunately the satellite failed to ignite on its fourth stage in its launch process and never made it to orbit. During the time of Explorer 2, the Soviets were also at work with Luna 2, this probe became the first to hit the moon but after 33.5 hours into flight the signals were dead. The US then created another satellite, the fourth satellite by America, and the first satellite to be solar-powered. They created the Vanguard 1, the first part of the Vanguard Project. Although…
drop something out into space. In the text,”Space Junk” it says,”On March 11, 2001, astronaut James Voss had dropped a large vise while on a space walk.” Second, some space debris are satellites that are not in use. Many people launch these satellites for communications, television transmission, research, and spying, but some satellites aren't useful because the satellites don't work forever. Debris out in space is man made things and also natural, but we should try at least getting the man made…
1. [endif]INTRODUCTION Remote sensing is the non-contact recording of information from the ultraviolet, infrared, and microwave parts of the electromagnetic range by mean of instruments, such as, cameras, scanners, lasers, linear arrays and arrays situated on stages, such as, flying machine or spacecraft/rocket, and the investigation of gained data by mean of visual and computerized picture preparing. In a straightforward sense, remote sensing is the study of acquiring data about items or…
On October 4, 1957 the Soviet Union launched the first ever satellite into space called Sputnik 1. One month later on November 3, 1957 the Soviet Union launched Sputnik II while also carrying a dog named Laika which was also the first animal to go up in space. At this point into the space race the Soviet Union were way ahead of the United States. Which also brought more competition and tension into the space race. The first man to travel to space was Yuri Gagarin. History was made on April 12,…
Although space debris may seem trivial, it is in fact crucial in terms of today’s concern over technology. One main problem is the Kessler Syndrome, a scenario in which the density of an object in low earth orbit is high enough that collisions between objects could cause a cascade. Donald Kessler himself wrote, “There’s no doubt about it, a cascading collision of satellites in orbit would definitely affect life on Earth, by disrupting global communication, limit globalization and undermine…