3.3 DEMERITS Cost comes first in considering the demerits of optical fiber networks. Despite of the fact that the cost for fiber is dropping by 60% per year and is beneficial in long run, its initial installation cost is still high and is not affordable to all vendors. Per unit cost of fiber cable is more than that of copper cable. Secondly, as the technology is still new and improvising, it requires skilled manpower for its installation, operation and maintenance. Further it requires new equipment compared to prevalent system which add cost and manpower. It is also susceptible to physical damage despite of being flexible. It cannot hold high stress and is likely to break. It is more fragile than copper. When fiber breaks it requires careful…
Fiber optic communication systems are light wave systems that employ optical fibers for transmitting information from one point to other through an optical fiber. The driving force behind the widespread use of fiber optic communications is the demand for economic, reliable transmission media that can transmit required information capacity. The transmission capacity of optical fibers has drastically improved over the years. Today, optical communications up to 100 gb/s for several kilometers have…
History of Communication The communication methods employed by human dates back from a very early stages of civilization. In the primitive ages, communication were based on human voice. But it had a limitation, the distance. As distance grew between two people, messages got hard to convey due to the limitation of vocal cord. Next big step taken by human civilization was the invention of fire. He soon realized that this fire could be used for communication. During the attack in China, soldiers…
Optical fiber thin as hair is everywhere on this planet, carries an enormous amount of information from place to place. There are a number of desirable characteristics of the optical fiber for conveying this information. They have the ability to carry large amounts of information, a low cost and have the immunity from electrical wiring and wireless communication link a number of disturbances that can afflict. Advantages of optical fibers for transmitting information from place to place, it…
possible, communication is heavily relied upon. Communication has formed a neuro-network encompassing the whole world. This network’s performance is of the utmost importance. It must be stable, reliable, and dependable. Over the years, the medium for this communication has constantly been upgraded from telegraphs, phone calls, and fax to the internet, cellular devices, and email. Although we are at an age where wireless is the popular thing, all wireless communication systems must be based upon…
In today’s world sensors especially optical sensors have many emerging applications beginning from the medical diagnostics to detect the pollution in the environment. Because of these wide range of applications the challenges faced to design, proper functioning and maintenance of an optical sensor requires immense knowledge of optical, material, and environmental properties that could affect sensor performance in all aspects. The wavelength range of the laser, interactions between the signal…
What is Fiber Optic Cables? Back in the day we used copper wires for our tele-communication and to interconnect throughout the world. However as technology and machines start to grow more powerful, we are forced to put a change in this production of copper wires. The wire density becomes a very critical factor in the modern era, however the limit in size must always result in better performance. Fiber optics proves to be highly effective in its high bandwidth, as it allows on a single fiber to…
Uses for fibre optics The most common form that optic fibre technology is found in is cables. These cables have revolutionized technology, telecommunications and even medical. Uses of these cables range from telephone and internet cables that are able to run across the Pacific Ocean to military uses in tanks and drones used in combat. The cause for this is due to the advantages that the cables have. In a quick sum up they are lighter, faster and more secure. People are able to send international…
great learning of both terrestrial communication systems and satellite communication systems. I have taken some major courses to empower me have the significant essential information to have the capacity to take a shot at this proposed research thesis. Find attached my CV for more information. 1. Introduction 1.1 What is been proposed Communication systems is of upmost importance to the Military today. Without communication relevant information would not be pass across, proper…
Optical Illusions are a neurological phenomenon that allows a person to believe an alternate reality based on what they see visually or encounter haptically. Illusions can come in all shapes and sizes and can be presented to us in many different ways sometimes, subliminally throughout our daily lives. The most famous and widely studied illusion is the Muller-Lyer illusion. This illusion consists of a horizontal line with opposite facing arrows at either end. The next portion uses the same…