as to the apparent British view of Empire strategy in the immediate future. The events of the past two months have thrown into contrasting relief the two fundamental elements in Australian affairs – the strong ties that bind us to Britain, and our distinct nationhood, vis-a-vis our Pacific neighbours especially. Australian life is like the Australian penny. It has the King’s head on the one side, and the kangaroo on the other. Under the liberal doctrine that transformed Empire into Commonwealth, and under the protection of British sea control in the Pacific, it has been our fortune that these two elements should be complementary, never fundamentally antithetic. Our fate now is that they should appear…
The nation known as the Commonwealth of Australia was a colony of the British Empire and then its own independent state, this can be traced with the settlers from other parts of the world, namely those from Europe and Great Britain. I will focus on the immigrants who went to the continent of Australia and its development as a colony then how it became a nation. In particular, there will be a concentration on how mining and prospecting interest help cultivate Australia as we know it today. This…
upper and lower regions of Canada were sent to Australia and Tasmania in 1837-8 for rebelling against the oligarchy. Moreover, both countries fought side by side in a various number of wars. For example, they fought together in World War I and II, The Korean War, many UN Security missions, East Timor, as well as fighting against terrorism in Afghanistan. However, this relationship was threatened by an incident in which Canada had decided that it had to stand up for a change. A change in the way…
Australia along with the other nations under the commonwealth did not concur with Canada, they just wanted to adopt a broad common foreign policy statement, meanwhile, Canada and South Africa opposed that idea since that decision would harm their autonomy. The final decision for Canada was that it should leave the centralized British Empire and be without a central authority. In terms of Canada and Australia that might have caused a few complications since Australia strongly supports the U.K,…
Firstly, whether or not one believes in universals over and above particulars, or whether one is a nominalist, or abides somewhere in between the pronouncements of both camps, the obvious metaphysical inference from Plato 's account of justice is that abstract properties, such as justice, when instantiated by greater, composite phenomena, such as by a city or nation-state as opposed to a person, inherit the same "structure" rather than the same "essence." By structure, I mean thereby the…
Charlemagne once said, “To have another language is to have a second soul” (BrainyQuote). As a native Spanish speaker, I find this statement to be true since I think about objects different than an English native speaker would. For example, when thinking about objects Spanish speakers tend to associate objects with genders while English speakers do not. The topic of language and how people think has been studied by a few Linguists, Psychologists, and Neuroscientists. Research and studies have…
national identity was overwhelmingly based on being British. Secondly, after this time, there emerged the idea of an Australian identity based on 'bush folklore ' as championed by the likes of Ward. However, many have criticised the ideas of such an identity as myth, arguing that the promoters of this view were actually inventing an identity which fit with their political leanings. Finally, in the post-second world war period, the British influence on Australia did wane, and with the…
New Zealanders are affected on a daily basis by the decisions the government makes. These decisions are made through a particular protocol that occurs within our parliamentary system (New Zealand Parliament 2014). This parliamentary system is embodied in constitutional law, and as a formal legal structure, it displays information in regards to the relationship between the three main branches of government. These three main branches are the judiciary (applies, sometimes makes law), the executive…
How did Mugabe start from a president to a dictator? Who is Robert Mugabe? Robert Mugabe was the ex president of Zimbabwe he controlled Zimbabwe from 1987 to 2017. Robert Mugabe was born February 21, 1924, in Kutama, Zimbabwe. His parents Gabriel Mugabe Matibiri (Father), and Bona Mugabe (Mother). Mugabe’s father was a carpenter. He went to work at a Jesuit mission in South Africa when Mugabe was just a small boy. Mugabe’s mother was a teacher, she was left alone to help Mugabe and his…
This research site is located in a small desert community, on the sea with a population of approximately 7500 people. There are four schools in the town: one for ages 3 through 5, one for grades 1 through 5 which has boys and girls separated on different wings, a secondary boys school which includes grades 6 though 12, and lastly the secondary girls school which includes grades 6 through 12. The people of the community often continue a tradition of nomadic life, living in tents, camping, and…