Nationwide Assessment of Trends in Surgery for Non-Malignant Colorectal Polyps in the United States From 2000-2013 Introduction Screening endoscopy (sigmoidoscopy and colonoscopy) with polypectomy reduces the incidence of and mortality from colorectal cancer.1-4 Most colorectal polyps are removed with routine endoscopic resection, although polyps considered to be complex because of size, location or morphology are commonly resected surgically.5-7 An estimated 1% of all patients with a non-malignant colorectal polyp will be sent for surgical resection.8-10 In the United States, 73,000 elective colectomies for colorectal cancer and non-malignant colorectal polyps are performed annually. Of these, 32% are performed on patients with non-malignant disease.9 Surgery for a non-malignant colorectal polyp is associated with significant morbidity, mortality and cost.9…
Health Issue that is affected by a social condition Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the 3rd most common cancer and second leading cause of cancer-related deaths in the United States for both men and women (Steele, et al. 2013). Most colorectal cancers develop slowly over several years from a growth tissue often referred as “polyps” which are benign and non-cancerous in nature. Because of this relatively slow growth, CRC is one of the cancers that can be effectively screened for. A colonoscopy is…
The three forms of skeletons in the animal kingdom are: hydrostatic skeletons, exoskeletons, and endoskeletons. Hydrostatic skeletons are found in cnidarians, worms, and many mollusks. It consists of a fluid filled sac in which the fluid is good support, however, it is formless. Animals with hydrostatic skeletons have two sets of antagonistic muscles (muscles that work in opposition to each other). These muscles are longitudinal muscles and circular muscles, which both help the animal maintain…
Comb Jellies are a type of jellyfish that have eight “comb rows” of cilia that are fused together and arranged along their sides. In Figure 1, the fused cilia can be seen easily along the length of the red lines. The cilia are used to propel the animal through the water. Some of them move through the water by doing a flapping motion with their lobes or undulations of the body. They usually have two tentacles, but lack stinging cells. To capture their prey by using sticky cells, called…
and constituencies related to your Final Project community health issue, and explain why you chose them. Based on the most current report from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Low-income, low education level individuals are less likely to be screened for colorectal cancer, yet they are more likely to die from colorectal cancer (CDC, 2013). Focusing on men and women with low socioeconomic status as the primary stakeholders is ideal. According to the American Cancer society, both…
1. INTRODUCTION In this assignment we are investigating a type of cancer called colorectal cancer. We are looking at the signs and symptoms, pathophysiology, diagnosis, treatment and prognosis. Colon cancer is cancer that forms in the large intestine, the inferior part of the digestive system. Rectal cancer is cancer that forms in the last parts of the colon, the colon and the rectal cancer form what is called colorectal cancer. It begins as tiny, non-malignant assembly of cells called…
learn the facts about colon cancer and get tested. Getting screened could save your life. If you are 50 or older, you should speak with your doctor about colon cancer screening. Screening can find colon cancer before symptoms develop, when it’s easier to treat and survival rates are better. Screening can help find growths called polyps that can be removed before they turn into cancer. The good news is that fewer people have been dying from colon cancer over the past few decades.…
Natasha Stegall Professor Post Health 1 7 February 2016 Colon Cancer Colorectal cancer is the number 2 leading cause of death from cancer in the United States. It is the 3rd most common type of cancer. Colorectal cancer most often occurs after 50 years of age. After age 75 the occurance greatly increases. Colorectal Cancer is a cancer that occurs in the colon or rectum. The large intestine is called the colon. The colon connects to the rectum as a passageway to the anus. There are risk…
Colorectal Cancer, also known as CRC, is a treatable cancer, if detected in the early stages (Colon Cancer Canada, 2013). Unlike that of the United States, if one if a either a citizen of Canada or a permanent resident, they are given then option of applying for public insurance. On a weekly basis 423 citizens of Canada are diagnosed with CRC and 175 deaths occur (Colon Cancer Canada, 2013). In most cases, the screening for CRC does not take into account those who are “at risk,” of contracting…
moves into the rectum for storage until signals are sent for its expulsion from the anus (Silverthorn, 2012). When carcinomas occur in either the colon or the rectum, they are collectively labeled as colorectal cancer. Despite the different locations of these carcinomas, the similarities in their pathophysiology and their origin in the same type of cells allow them to be labeled as one collective disease (Ballinger & Anggiansah, 2007). Colorectal cancer can develop from…