In the Arms of the Angel When a person is affected emotionally by something, these feelings cause them to act drastically beyond their own judgement. One example of this would be the bond between man and animal. A human would go out of their way to provide loyalty, happiness, and care for their pets. With this being said, seeing an animal hurt or in inadequate conditions could cause a person to feel sympathetic for the animal. The British Columbia Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals is an organization that feels the same and would do anything in its power to help an animal in need. The society takes steps toward this goal by developing a campaign in order to support animals in need. Although the celebrity endorser is insignificant,…
Apologizing is usually what a person would do if they have done something wrong, or if they have personally hurt another individual. However, sometimes an apology is given when it is something that people have done in the past. There have been so many wrongs in the past that some people still feel the need to be apologizing for them, and some people still feel they are owed an apology from the governments of the involved countries. In “A Sorry State”, Mitch Miyagawa discusses the many apologies…
It was the same old dream. She’d turn the key in the lock and open the door. To her horror, she’d see that same old monster. It was a different kind of monster although. She couldn 't see it even though she definitely tried to. She felt it move and creep around her. Looking at her every move and waiting for the right time to attack. She ran around the house trying to find something to hide under. But she never knew whether the monster was in that room or not. “Will you get up already?”…
How to make your Thanksgiving more spiritual for you and your family. So you want to make this Thanksgiving better than ever! That’s great! I love it! But maybe you 're not quite sure how to get 're not sure how to make it more meaningful. Well, I’m guessing that you wish the holidays would provide a deeper meaning. You want more memories. You love God and you want that love to be experienced at your dinner table with your cherished ones. So how do you make…
The legend of Alexo began when she was born in Thebes to her slave parents, Agda and Palmer. See when Alexo was just 6 years old she was abandoned by her parents. Even though she was young, she has little memory of the time she spent with her parents. After her abandonment, she was taken in custody of her aunt, Magda. Magda is married to one of the top commander and chiefs of the Greek army, Dorian. Dorian wanted Alexo to grow up to be strong and independent. Therefore, he taught her everything…
This weeks reading covered the third and fourth section of Joy Luck Club: American Translation and Queen Mother of the Western Skies. These sections contain stories from both the daughters and mothers from the Joy Luck Club, with Jing-Mei’s story continued across them both. In American Translation, the daughters of the Joy Luck Club discuss the problems they have encountered as adults- mainly marital and career troubles. In Queen Mother of the Western Skies the mothers and Jing-Mei rediscover…
why? “Mom I can’t do it anymore, It’s not the same without her..” It was a nice, sunny, late June day, I walked out of my house thinking today would be just any other day, I didn’t know that the news I was about to get would change me, and how I viewed the world forever. I walked down the street to my friends house that only lived a block away, as I made my way down the hill that seperated our houses, I kicked rocks and thought about summer and all the things I wanted to do. As I aproched my…
Station Six: Captured After a fire destroys half of the camp’s food supply, your group heads out into the forest to hunt and gather food. As you are stalking a deer, a twig snaps and the animal bounds away. You glance around, knowing it was not a member of your group. Suddenly, you’re surrounded by grounders. They are dressed in their head-to-toe covering battle gear, carrying bows, arrows, and spears. Instead of killing you, however, they cover your heads with fabric bags and drag you away…
Veronica climbed into the big bed, jeans off, and pulled the big, soft blanket to her chin. The lights were soft in Logan’s room, she’d never noticed that before. The rest of the world was this harsh, unforgivable place, lighting up her weak spots with hot, bright lights, but there, Veronica almost felt safe. She smiled to herself in his bed; she’d confronted her best friend’s killer there, she shook her head. But that was how she was, that was who she was- what had Logan said? The bravest…
perhaps that was why what would have been merely plumpness in another was obesity in her. She looked bloated, like a body long submerged in motionless water, and of that pallid hue. Her eyes, lost in the fatty ridges of her face, looked like two small pieces of coal pressed into a lump of dough as they moved from one face to another while the visitors stated their errand. | | | She did not ask them to sit. She just stood in the door and listened quietly until the spokesman came to a…