Katelyne: Unit 1 Performance Task For many years and more to come, climbing Mount Everest has been such a great achievement for many climbers. Though, they may not always make it to the top, they are just happy that they got to witness the wonderful views and icy scenery. But, do they really? Are the views of the mountain breathtaking or garbage filled? To some climbers the scenery doesn’t matter, it just getting to the top that counts, but what about the mountain itself? As snow should always be white, it may not always be if more and more trash and waste continuously gets piled on the mountain there may not even be a mountain or we may be left with a small hill at that. So, how exactly are climbers having a negative impact on Mount Everest…
Climbing Mt. Everest isn't easy . Many people have tried and have failed. Reaching a goal for some people becomes a lifelong journey. People are also leaving things that they don't want to carry down, on the mountain, so that it's looking like a big garbage pile. Climbing Mt. Everest would give a person a feeling of accomplishment and knowing that they did something not many other people in the world get to do or would be able to do. You have to be in shape physically and be as prepared as…
Is it worth it? Climbing mountains is harder than most people think. Strength, determination, and problem-solving are only a few of the skills that climbers need to have. Although sherpa guides know the best paths, and the ascent s aren’t as treacherous as they used to be, there are many challenges in the way of getting to the peak. People have the right to mountain services when they put themselves at risk because mountain climbing is dangerous despite your expertise and unpredictable weather…
Climbing mount everest is one of the biggest achievements for many mountaineers. However, do you think it’s fair for rescuers to put themselves at risk for people who put themselves in such a hazardous situation while being aware of the dangers? There are many reasons why I think climbers who put themselves at risk should have less rights to rescue services. For example, some climbers who choose to climb Mount Everest may not be skilled enough. Knowing the risk, they still choose to put…
Clinging tenuously with shaking fingers, the rock climber searches for his next move. He is almost upside-down, leaning backwards precariously. His hand slips! With a yell, he falls to the padded floor a few feet below. Friends cheer his attempt, and rookie climbers are inspired by this show of expertise. However, with nothing but ambition and a pair of sneakers, a newly-minted enthusiast is unlikely to get far into the surprisingly complicated world of rock climbing. For novice climbers, two…
American rock climbing has undergone many changes, but the key aspects that have formed out of the popularizing of rock climbing have stayed the same. Lawrence C. Hamilton expresses that rock climbing is “characterized by (1) a motivation or reward structure that encourages the continual creation of new climbs, and (2) a finite and exhaustible medium in which to create them” (Hamilton 1979, 285). Rock climbing has become a new subculture and a lifestyle consisting of its own values, language,…
Would Do you think about climbing a mountain in the cold weather where I can get extremely dangerous? Mount Everest is located on the border between Tibet and Nepal in Asia's Himalayan Mountains it is one of the most dangerous mountains to climb because of the high elevation. The height of Mount Everest is about 29,029 ft tall which can be dangerous for the climber. The climate where Mount Everest is located is extremely cold it is about -30 Degrees. There is a book called Peak and it is about a…
I would say climbing Mount Everest is a bad idea say that because climbers have a high chance catching a deadly disease and death.This disease is called AMS(Acute Mountain Sickness).It is caused by reduced air pressure and lower oxygen levels at high altitudes.Most likely to happen if you climb too fast to a high altitude you would get it but to be able to climb mount everest you have to have the right gear and enough oxygen tanks. “180+ have climbed and quickly died”.(p.420)So you…
But at the time they didn't record high altitude would affect his surgery so he didn’t know that that was gonna happen. Later on when Beck was all frozen he finally got back to camp, he didn’t know that he was back to camp until he saw the tents up close. One of the sherpas lead him to a tent and he went into the tent to rest for a bit. Later on a sherpa was walking with some warm tea and Beck wanted a drink of it so he asked the sherpa to come into the tent, but the sherpa didn’t go into the…
There are many challenges and obstacles that we face, both mentally and physically in life. After reading, “Into Thin Air,” written by Jon Krakauer, he shares his, along with others experiences of climbing Mount Everest. During this journey, climbers had to mentally and physically prepare themselves for any obstacles that headed their way. Krakauer, in particular, had prior climbing experience, but wasn’t as experience in higher altitudes such as Everest. Unfortunately, some climbers didn’t make…